Rosters Added

I was going to do one of those grand monologues where I write for fifteen minutes about the logical reasoning behind one of my projects, but then I figured I never like how those bits sound and no one wants to hear it, so I should just skip to the part where I show you what I did.


At these links, I’ve got picto-rosters of AAA, CMLL, and IWRG. There’s also lists of champions at the main roster page, a list of people I don’t currently have a picture for, features I’m planing to add next, and some stuff for down the road.

As always, the fuel for these projects are my own time/interested and your feedback. Post a comment below, or e-mail with features you think need to be added.

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25 thoughts to “Rosters Added”

  1. And after you go through those if anyone is left, I’ll start scanning. This project is totally worth it and gonna help a lot of people out.


  2. – added: Mephisto (old), Coco Rojo, Veneno, Chessman (need better), Black Shadow Jr., Axxel, Black Terry, Coco Verde, Dr. Cerebro (Cerebro’s correct?), Avisman, Mr. Condor, Negro Navarro, Rocky Romero, Violencia (old), Ayako Hamada, Fantasma Jr., Mr. Power, Tony Rivera, Coco Blanco.

    (YAY for the IWRG champions page.)

    I think I’ve mined most of the pictures out of Lucha Libre Mexicana, except there’s a good Histera picture (and a better Mascara Magica one.) I’ll go through when there’s not a game and hall of fame speech and a trade deadline on at the same time!

    Need to add something designate pictures as being out of date/need to be replaced; that’ll be in the next update.

  3. I clicked on Konnan and got Garza, funny if intentional. Great work pulling this all together Cubs.

  4. Just glanced at the IWRG Titles page and you have Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro backwards. Dr. is the unmasked one, Negro is the masked guy. Also, Cyborg is the IWRG IC Middleweight Champ. He beat Veneno and Black Dragon in that triangle match.


  5. Just glanced at the IWRG Titles page and you have Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro backwards.

    Cool, I was going to e-mail you to see if I was right. I figured I had a 50/50 chance with them.

  6. A dedicated wrestling wiki would be awesome, and I would definitely devote time to keeping it up and running. Not to say that I would run it, but I would help. But just thinking of the potential bandwidth usage makes me cringe. How about we just get to do more in-depth lucha profiles instead?

  7. I’ve got the 2004 Sports Mook; tomorrow or Tuesday I’ll go through and see if there’s any in there you haven’t got yet, and scan ’em in…

  8. The entire lucha community coming together to help with this project… it’s beautiful.:)


  9. – Pictures Added: Nitro, Jeque, Ultimo Vampiro, Espectrito, Ultra Mega, Fire, Reyes Veloz, Vaquero, Gallo Tapatio Jr., Super Comando, Masada, Sombra de Plata, Ultimo Dragoncito, Mini Violencia, Pegasso, Mini Olimpico, Allies, Star Boy, Paramedico, Sexy Francis, Matrix, Histeria (old), Super Parka, Ryu Taguchi, Al Katrazz, Apocalyspe (UPW), Predator, Mini Psicosis, Tiffany, La Mascara

    – Pictures added but not being used, yet: Mega, Super Mega, Sicodelico Jr., Super Parka

    I think I got the right Matrix, but I’m not sure.

  10. That’s definitely not the right Matrix. Dunno who you have up but the IWRG Matrix is masked, has facepaint around his mouth and wears a lot of green.

    The following guys you are missing can be found via a google image search:
    Mike Segura/Suicida
    Black Dragon

    Polizon/Cyborg/Xibalba =

    Blackman Jr. =
    (He wears the same mask as his father so…)

    Ash Lavigne =

    The Hornet =

    Otis Idol =

    Bronco =

    Mogur can be found at La Arena.

    Marco Rivera =
    (the one on the left)

    Mascara Sagrada II =

    Martha Villalobos =

    Sorry for everything all jumbled but was just doing this randomly…


  11. Great work. Since we don’t get any lucha down here in Orlando (except for the old stuff on Galavision), your website is a breath of fresh air for keeping up to date on the scene. Since I’ve been visiting your site, I’m not nearly as confused about the rosters as I used to be.

  12. Spotted an error-

    On the AAA page, you linked Mascarita Sagrada (2000) to the page on La Arena for the original Mascarita Sagrada.

  13. Couple more additions:

    Novillerito – (AAA Mini)
    Diana La Cazadora – (future CMLL wrestler)
    Hator – (in the middle)
    Crazzy Boy – (CMLL now…)
    Los Vatos Locos = Espiritu/Silver Cat/Nygma – (Nygma, Silver Cat, Espiritu -> in that order)
    Picudo –

    (all above pictures from


  14. Being quite new to the Lucha scene (I just recently realized that CMLL shows are available as torrents), tecnico/tweener/rudo information about the CMLL wrestlers would be really useful. I do realize that some of them do change, but still…
    Great work on the site all in all, muchos appreciated!

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