Next Chicago Lucha Va Voom

Tom Kenny was on Loveline last month, and I’m just now listening to it.

Besides telling a story about Dr. Wagner wanting to kill him for announcing during his match, he dropped the next LvV show in Chicago will be on 09/16.

Their website lists a Halloween show as next, so maybe I’m wrong? Or really late and things have changed?

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5 thoughts to “Next Chicago Lucha Va Voom”

  1. I want to go to one of those Lucha de Vuelta shows though. Do you need a time machine?
    I’m not talking about a few months replay like Galavison either.

  2. LdV means “Return Fight”, I believe.

    As soon as I get a time machine to go back and watch lucha matches, I’ll let you all know (or just come back in time to stop me from writing this.)

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