07/14 news

CMLL (TUE) 07/12 Arena Coliseo Results [cmll]
1) Espiritu & Karisma b Polvora & Artillero
2) Texano Jr, Tony Rivera, StarMAN b Dr. X, Arkangel, Veneno
3) Sagrado, Metro, Virus dq Okumura, Taguchi, Nitro
4) Ultimo Guerrero, Olimpico, el Hijo de Pierroth dq Dos Caras Jr., Lizmark Sr., Satanico
Ultimo pulled his own mask and threw it to Satanico.
5) Mistico & Blue Panther b Averno & Mephisto
Tecnicos want a shot at the belts.

Intocable appeared at AAA’s weekly Arena Solidaridad (Monterrey) show on 07/10. He was still in a wheelchair, and thanks the fans for their support. There’s a picture of him and his neckbrace on Halcon.net.

Terrible is going to be out three to four weeks, due to a kick to the eye. He’s getting surgery tomorrow.

Besides the Dragon Door show, Ovaciones says Mistico and Ultimo Guerrero will also be working in NJPW while in Japan. They’ll be out of town from 07/17 (Sun) to 07/25 (Mon). Based off of those dates, I’d guess that means they’ll be on the 07/21 Samurai! TV Taping.

Halcon.net’s #27 issue was up, but the site’s down now. They have an interview with Ultimo Guerrero and a Q&A with Blue Demon.

In Arena Lopez Mateos on Saturday, Dos Caras Jr. and Dr. Wagner Jr. team up to face Rey Bucanero and Canes.

Ovaciones repeats the note from three weeks ago about Black Tiger going back to Japan real soon now. He must not be able to use the gimmick in IWRG either, so expect him to lose those trios belts if only so the Corp can rearrange the team.

In other real soon now news, there’s expected word about the Mexico G1 tournament soon. Ovaciones says it’s going to be a single match, but they may not know better right now.

I’m working on the future episodes listings a bit today (it’s listed as Yet To Air List over on the side.) Thanks to Robert and a tape list @ http://www.prodigyweb.net.mx/edure04/, I’ve been able to check some more lineups. The guy’s doing two hour weekly comp tapes of stuff he liked from AAA, CMLL Mexico City, CMLL Guadalajara and IWRG. Not many full episodes of anything, but enough listed to confirm a few things.

Anything listed with a * in the far right hand column means everything listed will air. Anything with a p means part of it’s confirmed, but there’s a match or two that was left off of his tape; usually, it means I still don’t know about the Arena Coliseo match, but the rest is good.

If you scroll all the way to the bottom, I’ve put the AAA episodes which haven’t aired yet down there as well. Those are all partial listings. I’ll be filling in the dates and taking a stab at the skipped episodes, later on.

Lucha Times

Lucha Times is updated ‘Are’ updated? I’ve been doing for how long and I can’t figure out the grammar. Normal times this week.

Saturday: This is supposed to be Averno versus Mistico – but by saying this, do a clinch it won’t happen? They could just as well go back to the episodes they’ve skipped.

Sunday: AAA action. You may enjoy the Barrio Boys vs the Dark Family.