07/11 news

While superlucha’s board is not up, Ernest O’Campo’s report on last Friday’s Arena Mexico show can be found here. The main page of the forum can be found @ http://miarroba.com/foros/ver.php?id=243340. (Thanks again, Raquel.)

His take on the main event was both sides started the match as tecnicos, but the crowd inexplicably started booing Atlantis. Wagner attacked Ke Monito (who was here with Atlantis) between the first and second falls, and then again between the second and third (taking a stretcher ride that time), and yet they still cheered Wagner and booed Atlantis. Weird. Who will they cheer when they go one on one this week?

Bronco’s apparently changed his outfit, toning down the horse aspects a bit. Best match of the night was the Japan/Virus/Rivera/Maximo one.

CMLL (SUN) 07/10 Arena Coliseo Partial Results [ova]
1) Mini Olimpico & Bracito de Oro ?? Fire & Sombrita
2) Brazo de Plata Jr., Neutron, Argos ?? Hiromi Horiguchi, Guerrero del Futuro, Mogur
3) Arkangel, Veneno, Sangre Azteca b Metro, Tony Rivera, Texano Jr.
4) Rayo de Jalisco, Ultimo Dragon, Brazo de Plata b Universo 2000, Emilio Charles, Olimpico
Low blow finish. Can you believe it?
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Negro Casas b Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero, Pierroth
Pierroth and GdI made peace before the match, and then Pierroth ended up costing his team by trying to get the pinfall for himself once again. The rudos argued post match. Pierroth better not be turning tecnico.

CMLL (TUE) 07/12 Arena Coliseo Lineup [cmll]
1) Espiritu & Karisma vs Polvora & Artillero
2) Texano Jr, Tony Rivera, StarMAN vs Dr. X, Arkangel, Veneno
3) Sagrado, Metro, Virus vs Okumura, Taguchi, Nitro
4) Dos Caras Jr., Lizmark Sr., Satanico vs Ultimo Guerrero, Olimpico, el Hijo de Pierroth
Thank you, CMLL.com lineup guy, for using the “Sr.”
5) Mistico & Blue Panther vs Averno & Mephisto
Not a title match. Too bad.

CMLL (SUN) 07/17 Arena Coliseo Lineup [cmll]
1) Rayos Tapatios vs Mesala & Caligula
2) StarMan, Kronos, Valiente vs Ramstein, Reyes Veloz, Guerrero Del Futuro
Lucha Insider said Kronos is Brazo de Plata Jr. This is the first we’ve seen of him.
3) Pantera, Trueno, Texano Jr. vs Arkangel, Dr. X, Sangre Azteca
Now who’s Trueno? Not a name I’ve seen anywhere, so I think someone else is getting a new gimmick. Trueno translates to thunder.
4) Felino, Black Warrior, Brazo de Plata vs Hijo de Pierroth, Emilio Charles, Olimpico
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Rayo de Jalisco vs Canek, Universo 2000, Mascara 2000

Superlucha’s cover has Atlantis ripping Wagner’s mask, and talk of Crazy Boy joining CMLL under a new identity.

On Sunday, Ovaciones had an interview with Alan Stone and Super Calo. KrisZ has a better summary than I did,

Alan Stone & Super Calo did an interview with Ovaciones yesterday where Calo confirmed that he will be joining his brother in Promociones Antonio Pena but their other brother Chris hasn’t come to terms yet with the company. It looks like though that Chris Stone will be under the Super Calo gimmick.

Having a second Super Calo is weird, but fitting for AAA. Alan is wearing the Intocable-like outfit, because the original plan was just to team those two up. Obviously not happening now.

Robert pointed this out in the comments: Over on the Box Y Lucha forum, there’s a
scan of a CMLL magazine/program they’ve apparently been handing out the last few weeks; it’s listed as issue #4. I would love to subscribe this magazine, but I think I’d like it better if the dates were correct for the results (which appear to be a week off – maybe it’s a print error.) Notice they list an additional opening match for the Coliseo, too prelim for even the website to list! (I’ve added it to the results.)

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5 thoughts to “07/11 news”

  1. I’d heard somewhere (perhaps read it in WON, not positive) that Monito was going to pal around with Maximo. Do you know if there’s anything to that?

  2. Actually that link to the magazine is just some photoshop work by the guy who posts as BLACK TERRY JR. He’s really good at what he does but he does it too rarely.:( He’s one of the few who is allowed to take pictures inside Arena Coliseo/Mexico b/c as you should know cameras are banned from those arenas. If you get caught with one, you are kicked out on the spot.

    The Trueno gimmick has been done a few times in various places. I think the first one was in 1994 and he was a Pantera protege. Most recently ENESMA had a Trueno 2000(made his debut on the same show as Pantera – coincidence or not?). Now the new Trueno is debuting while teaming with Pantera. Could be a new protege again.

    CAN YOU BELIEVE CMLL.COM PUT UP PHOTOS OF THE OPENER?!?!?!?!!?!? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Those guys look so awesome. Mark my words, Stuka Jr. will be the man of 2006.


  3. You heard here (maybe). They said they were going to stick him with Maximo, but I think he’s just gone back to being with random upper card tecnicos.

    re: CMLL Magazine. Aw, man. I was hoping that was real. Should’ve known it was too cool to be true. Maybe HE can send it (or just pdf it) to me.

    Stuka will be man of the year by, what, working third to the top and challenging for the Mex Trios titles?

  4. Jose has told me he is very protective of his stuff but I’ll see what I can do. Jose is tight with him so maybe he’ll be happy to send them to you for the website.

    Stuka was the original… then along came Mr. Niebla who was an exact Stuka clone right down to the masks… now Mr. Niebla is out and Stuka Jr. is in. You’ll see… within a year or two he’ll be getting the Niebla mid-card push by unmasking a rudo(maybe Arkangel), and slowly but surely work his way to the top. Hell, if this were AAA Stuka Jr. would be playing the new Mr. Niebla already as he has all his spots down perfect except he doesn’t do the stupid dancing and has no beer belly.


  5. Here’s another tidbit:

    – Averno/Mephisto over Virus/La Mascara(replacing Ricky Marvin) to retain the tag belts on July 7th at Arena Isabel De Cuernavaca.


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