07/06 news

IWRG (THU) 06/30 Arena Naucalpan Results [IWRG]
1) Gato Felix b Panterita
2) Rey Estruendo & Macho II b Black Man Jr. & Mr. Libra
3) Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth b Kung Fu Jr., Fantasma Jr., Rey de Corazones
4) Nitro, Dr. Cerebro, Cerebro Negro b Stripers (Marco Rivera, Star BOY) and Star MAN
oh man, Star BOY and Star MAN in the same match. Stripers challenged Cerebros to a title match despite the loss.
5) GdI (Ultimo, Rey, Olimpico) b Corporacion (Scorpio Jr., Black Pentagon, Black Tiger)
This is listed as Olimpico’s debut in IWRG. Bloody match. GdI wanted a shot at the IWRG IC Trios Title after the match.

AAA (FRI) 07/01 Gimnasio Jose Maria Areaga, Quereatro Results [tv taping] [ova]
1) Octagoncito, La Parkita, Mascarita Sagrada ?? Mini Psicosis, Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Chessman
2) Barrio Boys (Alan, Decnis, Billy Boy) b Exoticos (Polvo de Estrellas, Sexy Francis, Sexy Piscis)
3) Chessman, Mr. Aguila, Hator b Luzbel, Alan Stone, El Brazo
El Brazo was dressed like Intocable.
4) El Zorro, Psi-Histeria, Antifaz DDQ Charly Manson, Psicosis, Zumbido El Castigador
El Castiagdor translates to “the Punisher”; I dunno if it’s Zumbido under a mask but that’s the easy guess. According to the report, the finish was a Manson fan attacking Hijo de Tirantes at the same time Oriental ran into help the tecnicos.
5) Cibernetico, Abismo Negro, Fuerza Guerrera b La Parka, Shocker, Octagon
Ovaciones mentions Shocker is feuding with Abismo, and wasn’t getting along with his own partners.

CMLL (TUE) 07/05 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Polvora & Vaquero b Rayo Tapatios
2) Leono, Sombra de Plata, Valiente b Super Comando, Jeque, Artillero
3) Texano Jr., Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico b Dr. X, Arkangel, Apocalipsis
4) Sagrado, Lizmark, Felino b Pierroth, Emilio Charles Jr., Hijo de Pierroth
5) Mistico, Black Warrior, Blue Panther b Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto
Mistico and Blue Panther challenged Averno and Mephisto to a tag team title match.

AAA’s website is gone; probably had to with why it wasn’t updated for months. There’s another version at http://www.luchalibreaaa.com/, but it’s in Japanese. It’s for their Gaora Sports airings.

Some lamer exploited an unpatched hole in phpboards and blew up superlucha’s board. It’d be great if they made a backup because there was a ton of information on there in old reports and listings and such, but I doubt it.

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One thought to “07/06 news”

  1. Poor O’Campo. As much as I dislike the guy, the board was cool. It was hacked before but they got it up rather quickly.

    Just a few things:
    – Olimpico has worked IWRG before but this was his rudo debut.
    – Marilyn Manson fan was actually Charly Manson himself.
    – I don’t remember reading Starman in the results but then again I was half-sleeping while I read them over. If so, THAT’S AWESOME! I miss seeing Starman. Feels like ages since he had any sort of TV match from anywhere.


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