06/10 news [2]


Following up on the Halcon.net interviews:

In his interview, Tarzan says they cut the himself and other latino wrestlers to help afford the settlement with the Hart family after Owen’s death. He doesn’t remember his time with the WWF fondly, as he found them racist and anti-Mexican.

Tarzan says he’s not left GdI; it’s a four member group with Olimpico back from injury. Tarzan doesn’t understand why he’s not teaming up with the other two thirds of the CMLL Trios champions (Hector and Terrible) more often; he doesn’t understand the booking sometimes.

Tarzan’s traveled to Guatemala twice, and is already ruling the place (or at least Central American Champion.)

Tarzan is getting married tommorow, June 11th. Congrulations to him.

In Terrible’s bio, he says his greatest ambition is to cross everybody, which is outstanding.

06/10 non-news and CMLL #163

Nothing going on. Ovaciones has the Arena Mexico preview article, and not much of noteworthy in the notes column. Abismo Negro and Oriental results in Japan, quick mention of Juvi, Nicho and Crazy about to go to WWE (for the ECW show), and listings of upcoming AAA shows.

Haven’t seen IWRG results.

Halcon.Net put up it’s newest issue last night, but I haven’t had a chance to read thru it yet.

I’ve finally finished the recap for the 01/01/05 CMLL show. Didn’t like the main event nearly as much as I liked it originally.

Lucha Times

This is why you should wait till the end of the week to set your VCR; when I checked GALA on Tuesday, they listed lucha for the normal times on both Saturday and Sunday. That changed on Wednesday.

Saturday: Most will get the show from 11 am to 1 pm EST; some west coasters will get it at the normal time. (Oddly, my Tivo is saying the show’s on at 11:30; regardless, the late night version is on at the normal time.) Show will at least have Vampiro’s first AAA match and the first Nicho/Psicosis match in AAA.

Sunday: No show listed.

Show are being bumped for U20 Soccer World Cup action. The tournament is scheduled to last until July 2nd, so I’d expect a couple more weeks of shifting.

I need to put together an Yet To Air AAA Tapings page soon; it’s much more a pain to figure out lineups when you don’t know when the following taping was.

06/09 news

IWRG’s Corporacion visited Ovaciones offices. Veneno promised to retain the IWRG middleweight title tonight, over Black Dragon. Cerebro Negro & Dr. Cerebro promise to defend the tag titles as soon as there’s a worthy team to challenge them. Black Pentagon, Black Tiger and Pantera are happy to overcome all the other teams and win the IC trios tournament. The group wants to challenge Los Payasos for their Mexican State Trios Championship, though they haven’t decided which three guys will form the team.

The leader of the group, and the only one without the belt, Scorpio Jr. wants a rematch with Heavy Metal to get the IWRG Heavyweight Championship back. He’s going to be celebrating his 20th anniversary of wrestling on August 30th, and would love to get the title back then.

LuchaInsider says Dr. Wagner and Canek want more than CMLL is willing to pay for a mask/mask match to headline the anniversary show. Instead, we may get a Perro Aguayo/Mistico hair/mask match.

06/08 news

I’m sick – sick enough to be confused about why I couldn’t understand Ovaciones today, only to realize I hadn’t translated it yet – so recaps are on hold for now.

CMLL (TUE) 06/07 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Shockercito & Bracito de Oro b Fire & Sombrita
2) StarMAN, Sombra de Plate, Valiente b Ramstein Hooligan, Koreano, Mogur
Guess he did get hurt.
3) Tony Rivera, Safari, Chris Stone DQ Dr. X, Sangre Azteca, Arkangel
Ovaciones admits they goofed, meant to say Antifaz where they wrote Safari. Good that they admitted it.
4) Super Porky, Lizmark Sr., Satanico b Hijo de Pierroth, Ryu Taguchi, Okumura
Ovaciones make a lot of Satanico going after Hijo de Pierroth’s mask here. It does seem about time for Satanico’s summer haircut.
5) Mistico, Dr. Wagner Jr., Lizmark Jr. b Ultimo Guerrero, Halloween, Damian 666

CMLL.com confirms it’s now a nine man cage match next Friday. That’s a lot of people in a small area.

Ovaciones worries Emilio’s no show on Sunday and non presence on this week’s cards means he’s jumping to AAA. I think we’re being a bit too hyper about this; Emilio’s missed shows and taken weeks off before. We’ll see. Anyway, when Volador Jr. replaced Emilio on Sunday, the rudos didn’t like it and beat him down.

Elektro’s been seen around the CMLL offices.


CMLL (MON) 06/06 Arena Puebla Results [KrisZ]
1) Fuerza Chicana, Toro Bill Jr., Ares el Guerrero b Iron, Blue Center, Sol de Fuego
2) Virus, Tigre Rojo, the Tigre b Toro Irisson, Bobby Jack, Karisma
3) Mini Olimpico b Pierrothito [CMLL MINI]
4) Canek, Averno, Mephisto b Los Cojos (Rojo, Verde, Blanco)
5) Groon XXX, Dr. Wagner, Mistico b Los Pierroth