06/22 news

Intocable’s career appears to be over

On Saturday, Intocable (Rene Gomez) had a match on the AAA TV Taping with the debuting Stone Brothers versus Mr. Aguila, Charly Manson and Psicosis. During the course of the match, Psicosis kicked him in the back (the report says flying kick, but that could mean any number of kicks), and Inotcable lost feeling in his right arm and right leg. A doctor checked on him then, but did not find the eventual injury. It was only a day later in Monterrey (and possibly after dragging himself thru another match) that the spinal injury was discovered. The problem appears to be with the connections to his fifth and sixth vertebrae, but it also appears to be only partially reversible. The reports do seem to allow the slimmest chance he will ever be the same.

Intocable was, at least until the CMLL jumps of the last few months, a second tier guy who was on the track to become a top one. He fit the Pena idol babyface mode of a young attractive (in a male-stripper sense) self confident man. He was Latin Lover’s obvious successor, to the point where Latin wanted assurances Intocable would cut out his stripper antics as to not draw attention from his own. While not great, Intocable was good enough to fit in with the AAA workers and their style.

AAA aggressively recruits similar types to Intocable, so they’ll be able to find a replacement. He didn’t appear to have any pending feuds (although the match on Saturday might have been an attempt to establish one, or his role as AAA Tony Rivera to team with the Stone Brothers), so he can be dropped out of TV easily, though I expect the match where he got hurt will be televised at some point.

Hopefully, Intocable gets at least enough feeling and range of motion back to have a normal life.

CMLL (TUE) 06/21 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Karisma & Espiritu b Polvora & Vaquero
2) Molotov, Sombra de Plata Jr., Valiente b Mogur, Jeque, Flecha
3) Stuka, Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico b Hooligan, Super Comando, Koreano
Line quoted for Ryan: “The felines follow by good way, now have an opportunity by the crown of pairs of the Coliseo Arena.” I smell title match.
4) Black Tiger, Emilio Charles, Hijo de Pierroth b Brazo de Plata, Lizmark, Felino
You know, most of the time, guys work either Tuesday and Friday. But then Black Tiger is not most guys.
5) Mistico, Atlantis, Blue Panther b GdI (Ultimo, Rey, Olimpico)
Atlantida on Olimpico for the victory. Ovaciones is upset with Mistico for not doing an interview with them last week.

Averno & Mephisto retained the CMLL Tag Team Champion over Blue Demon and Satanico in Guadalajara.

Box Y Lucha’s cover has shot of the cage match. The poster is Ultimo Guerrero

– interview with Bronco talking about his dream to one day wrestle in Arena Mexico; Mistico and Dr. Wagner recruited him to fight Perro’s faction.
– interview with LLF’s Dark Angel, talking about visiting Mexico City to learn. She says she came from Canada to wrestle in Mexico because there’s not the same passion for wrestling (or maybe just lucha) up there.
– Perro Aguayo explains his rib injury was actually *before* the Cage of Death, but he wrestled anyway. Could explain why he was the first one to leave. His goals are Universo’s hair (for obvious reasons) and Mistico’s mask (because he’s the golden boy of CMLL)
– interview with Elektro, briefly mentioning his previous CMLL stint as Ultimatum. Sounds like he’s on a part time, per-show agreement. He says he wrestled like he wrestled in AAA because that was the style of the promotion, and he’ll be more CMLL like in CMLL. Elektro seeks matches with Bucanero, Olimpico, Mephisto, and Nitro. Was Nitro around last time Elektro was around and that’s why? Weird pick.
– interview with Averno. His dad didn’t let him near wrestling when he was growing up, trying to steer him towards any other career. He talks about being really nervous for his match (10/18/96), teaming with his dad against Cassandro and he thinks Guerrero Star (but he can’t remember – Cassandro is easier to remember.)
a longer interview with Crazy Boy.