06/04 news

Busy today; longer update maybe late tonight

bullet point news.

– Mistico vs Perro Aguayo, mask vs hair, will now headline Jucio Final.

Perro’s been pulled from the Cage of Death match, with no replacement announced

– Gronda’s Arena Mexico debut drew over 12000 according to Ovaciones, though his wrestling was about what we expect from him in. He’s back two more times right now (and if that attendence is right, many times more.)

– Antifaz and Zumbido showed up on the AAA tapings. No sign of Zumbido. Histeria is now wearing a Psicosis outfit.

– Black Tiger, Pantera and Black Pentagon are your new IWRG IC Trios champions. Elektro’s gone tecnico.

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One thought to “06/04 news”

  1. Ovaciones is turning into Lucha Libre Insider in terms of accuracy. Mistico entered the cage match, no singles match and Safari is booked on both Arena Coliseo shows this week.


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