06/01 news [2]

CMLL.com posted the lineup for the Jucio Final Show.

CMLL (FRI) 06/17 Arena Mexico Lineup “Jucio Final”
1) Mini Olimpico & Ultimo Dragoncito vs Pierrothito & Fire
2) Satanico, Felino, Sagrado vs Olimpico, Averno, Mephisto
3) Dr. Wagner, Dos Caras Jr., Rayo de Jalisco vs Canek, Pierroth, Terrible
There’s something very wrong about Wagner teaming with Rayo.
4) Groonda XXX, LA Park, Lizmark Jr. vs Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero
5) El Hijo Perro Aguayo, Halloween, Damian 666, Hector Garza, Mascara Magica, Universo 2000, Negro Casas and Heavy Metal [cage of death]

The update also says next Friday, in celebration of the high fliers, Ricky Marvin, Volador Jr, Misterioso, Stuka Jr., Alan Stone, Virus, La Mascara, Tigre Blanco Leono, and Tigre Metalico will all face off in an opening match. The translation makes it sound like it’s 3 on 7 (and says it’s 3 on 8), but that couldn’t be right. I guess Mistico is too good for this junk.

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7 thoughts to “06/01 news [2]”

  1. That Is one pretty poor card :(

    Seems like they always save the shit for their big shows these days – 3/18 was the same. Plenty of big names, particularly the older guys, but It just looks like It’s been thrown together out of nowhere. And where the hell’s Mistico??? He’s been in semi’s/main’s more or less every week for the past 6 months, and he can’t even get a spot on the big show.

    I suppose if this big ‘fliers’ match on the 10th is given loads of time and makes TV, it will make up for It someway though – but ‘Opening match’ makes the chances of that pretty slim i guess :(

  2. It’ll air if they’re hyping it. Remember Plata/Comando was hyped and it aired. Same for Stuka Jr./Valaguez Jr. debuting. That opening match has me pumped alredy. Stuka Jr. is going to be THE SHIT. That’s a good thing. Damn kids these days.

    No Mistico on the big show is perhaps the most idiotic thing I’ve heard in a long time. Well second most. First would be Lizmark Jr. still getting CMLL bookings.


  3. If this tournaments supposed to be filled with all the undercard tecnicos, then I wonder who Sombra De Plata’s pissed off?

    Been around about 6 years and never had much of a chance, yet guys who walked In the door a matter of weeks ago are getting put In front of him.

    I dare say if Neutron was fit, he’d most likely be overlooked too, just like Sombra. :(

  4. I’m thinking Sombra De Plata is like Mano Negra Jr. in the sense both have been around forever and granted they are okay… they just haven’t shown any improvement. Sombra has acutally been around since 1991/1992 so he isn’t a rookie being overlooked. He only started wrestling regularly in 1998 or so and from what I gather, he’s solid but has no standout qualities. I still like him just for the solid factor as he reminds me of a less talented version of Skayde. He may be destined to just work undercards with his brothers for the rest of his life. Look at Mano Negra Jr., even having a dad who was really famous couldn’t save him from the hell that is once a week Sunday bookings in the segunda.

    I think Neutron will eventually get his chance, maybe with a new gimmick though. I’m still in favor of naming him Oro 2000 or something of the sort.


  5. You know what’ll no doubt happen if they air this Kings Of The Air match – It will be some sort of elimination match and they’ll join it In progress with about the last 3 or 4 remaining :(

    I do hope Neutron gets his chance. There’s so little footage of him out there, yet whenever I have saw him, he’s looked real good.

    If anything, he seems to have dropped down the pecking order this past year. Towards the end of 2003/beginning of 2004, Neutron was In Arena Mex Segundas almost every week. Alongside Pantera & Tigre Blanco, they were almost a regular trio.

    Nowadays, he’s never above the Arena Mex. opener, he’s lucky if he even gets a Coliseo segunda, and i doubt very much if you’ll see much of him on the latest GDL batch :(

  6. If Rayo is teaming with the doc, when’s he going to team with Universo? That would be just about as wrong as Atlantis and Blue Panther being tag champs.

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