06/28 news

Quick early update. Wednesday’s update (at least mine) won’t be until late in the evening (if at all), and the rest of the week is questionable.

Ovaciones only article today is a CMLL preview, focusing more on Friday’s show than tommorow. Sangre Azteca apparently suffered an injury last Friday, but it turns out not to be bad enough to keep him out of the tournament.

They give a brief list of winners of the Gran Alternativa tournament, which differs from the one we’ve put together.

year   here               ova
'94    none?              none
'95    Shocker            none
'96    Chicago Express    Hector Garza
'97    Rey Bucanero       Shocker
'98    Tony Rivera        Rey Bucanero
'99    Ultimo Guerrero    Ultimo Guerrero
'00    Tigre Blanco       Tigre Blanco
'01    Psicodelico        Psicodelico
'03    Alan Stone         none
'04    Mistico            Mistico

I’m not really sure what’s going on there.

The lineup for Atlantis’ next kids day show was announced.

CMLL (SAT) Arena Coliseo 07/30 Kids Show Lineup [ova]KrisZ]

Robert thinks Bronco is Black Tiger, based on some of the moves he did in the ring. Sounds reasonable, but I wouldn’t put it pass them to have someone do those moves just to throw people off.

Whoever it is, they’re taking heavy precautions to conceal their previous identity – the gear covers every part of them by their hands and a bit of their neck.

Congress Notes, 06/25

Scattered Congress thoughts, just to get them down before they’re out of my head.

– Let me point you towards a recap on CW.com, with the caveat that it’s what happened but not necessarily how I saw/felt it. But it’s good to have multiple views.

– They set up the ring differently than I had seen it before; kinda on angle in relation to the stage, and up close to the front row of permanent seats. There were seats on the other three sides. On the stage, there were production people (which was kinda distracted), a mounted camera, and what looked to be the setup for a band. I was hoping to escape a time killing rock show all night, and somehow we did, so who knows what that was about.

– I felt dead tired from the second match till the start of the main event, which woke me back up. Blame it on it being extremely hot and draining all weekend, and watching Cubs/Sox in a place with bad air circulation and nothing to drink. Obviously didn’t help my mood. All considering, the Congress wasn’t as hot as it could’ve been, which was nice.

– Somehow managed to have a nearly-coherent conversation with Rob (w/ his new Parka autograph) and CW.com’s Romane in between the matches. They seemed cool. The SWAT Kat shirt was definitely cool.
– They were better about filling the time between matches, but I’d much rather they just get to the match.

– The ring ‘broke’ at the start of the second fall in the second match. It was something really simple, Siglo bouncing off the ropes, that did it. The top rope snapped off it’s hooks, as the corner posts bent around. Siglo seemed out of it for a minute (can’t feel good on the back), el Tigre almost immediately cut a promo asking for the crowd’s patience while they fixed the ring, and then the rudos attacked Siglo on the outside and eventually Tigre. While the ring was being fixed (ropes taken down, corner posts straightened), they brought the fight back in the ring and the rudos got the pin. Tigre didn’t seem happy about this, cutting another promo ripping the rudos for being unprofessional, and sorta walked off to the stage, refusing to participant in the time killing fight. Yakuza stood in the ring while they were getting it finally fixed, and Tigre came back for the third fall. Odd situation.

– There were tons of promos on the day. Not so good for a guy who pick out one word in ten in spoken Spanish, but I think even if I knew what they were saying, it was a big excessive. When you have inbetween promos between each fall of every match from the second on, and people in the crowd getting to yell on the microphone, it’s a bit much.

– SWAT Kat was pretty over, but Tigre was over crazy. Maybe it’s the stuffed animals? Maybe because he was the first tecnico they knew as one?

– I’d rate the matches “A, A, AA, AAA, ML” in that order. Locally, they need more guys who can go and less who look the part. Or they need to do a better job of matching up those who can go.

– the LA/Cali vs Chicago feud might have gotten over better if Piloto Suicida wasn’t a guy who was here for the first time and was presumably an LA guy. The LA rudos were better and getting heat on the mic the earlier ones.

– The main event was good, even if they had trouble cueing up Thriller for Parka’s entrance (they finally got it between falls.) I’m always a little disappointed by the style of match we get. Most every main event has been of the “very special Velocity/house show” type, where the tecnicos get to go thru their spots and the rudos get to react to them, and I keep hoping we get the “PPV/throwing everything out and even trying something new” match. Unreasonable and unlikely standard, I know, but the Atlanta Santo/Park match kinda makes me wish we get the same.

– Show went about 3:15 (start ~7:45, ending promos wrapping up at past 11), which is way too long for a 5 match show.
– A half hour lucha show is supposed to start airing on Telefuture Chicago on 07/08. More details as I get ’em.

06/27 news

IWRG (THU) 06/23 Arena Naucalpan Results [KrisZ]
1) Mr. Libra b Forastero Jr.
2) Macho II & Paramedico b Black Shadow Jr. & Blackman Jr.
3) Kung Fu Jr., Fantasma Jr., Rey de Corazones b Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth
4) Ricky Marvin, Avisman, Star BOY, Marco Rivera b American Legion (Gigolo Americano, Otis Idol, The Hornet, Ash Lavigne)
5) Mistico, Black Dragon, Matrix b Scorpio Jr., Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero

CMLL (SUN) 06/26 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Gitanito & Sombrita b Shockercito & Bracito de Oro
2) StarMAN, Brazo de Plata Jr., Ultimo Vampiro b Guerrero del Futuro, Ramstein, Reyes Veloz
Ovaciones lists the third man on the winning side as “Ultimo Guerrero”, but that can’t be right.
3) Metro, Tony Rivera, Texano Jr. b Hooligan, Veneno, Mr. Mexico
Ovaciones called Metro “MT” for some reason.
4) Black Tiger, Hijo de Pierroth, Olimpico b Satanico, Sagrado, “Alan Stone” Virus
5) Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Pierroth b Dr. Wagner, Rayo de Jalisco, Dos Caras Jr.

CMLL (MON) 06/27 Arena Puebla Lineup [superlucha]
1) Legionario, Blue Center, Akira vs Mr. Rafaga, Ares, Fuerza Tiger
2) Lestat, Centella de Oro, Asturiano vs Cerebro Negro, Esspiritu Maligno, Siki Osama Jr.
3) Virus, Sagrado, La Mascara vs Nitro, Dr. X, Sangre Azteca
4) Dos Caras Jr., Universo 2000, Atlantis, Satanico vs Pierroth, Pierroth Jr., Hijo de Pierroth, Damian 666
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo

CMLL (TUE) 06/28 Arena Coliseo Lineup [superlucha]
1) Bam Bam & Fantasy vs Pierrothito & Fire
2) Sombra de Plata, Valiente, Zetta vs Flecha, Caligula, Mesala
3) Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico, Metro vs Okumura, Taguchi, Masada
4) Brazo de Plata, Lizmark, Felino vs Emilio Charles Jr., Black Tiger, Hijo de Pierroth
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Black Warrior vs Tarzan Boy, Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000

CMLL (TUE) 06/28 Arena Queretaro Lineup [superlucha]
1) Aztea Imperial vs Estrella Dorado
2) Zain & Ursusvs Halcon Balnco, Verdugo Blanco
3) Rayos Tapatios I & II vs Neurosis & Star Troon [EDO. de Mexico TAG]
I guess I need to add that to the list, but I’m stumped to what “EDO” is abbreviating
4) Volador Jr., Virus, Safari vs Olimpico, Averno, Mephisto
5) Mistico vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo

IWRG (THU) 06/30 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [superlucha]
1) tba
2) Blackman Jr. & Mr. Libra vs Rey Estruendo & Macho II
Mr. Libra in the second match! Big day for Mr. Libra.
3) Kung Fu Jr., Fantasma Jr., Rey de Corazones vs Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth
4) Strippers (Tony Rivera, Marco Rivera, Star BOY) vs Nitro, Dr. Cerebro, Cerebro Negro
5) Corporacion (Scorpio Jr., Black Pentagon, Black Tiger) vs GdI (Ultimo, Rey, Olimpico)
GdI as faces! Interesting.

AAA (FRI) 07/01 Gimnasio Jose Maria Areaga, Quereatro Lineup [superlucha]
1) Octagoncito, La Parkita, Mascarita Sagrada vs Mini Psicosis, Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Chessman
2) Barrio Boys (Alan, Decnis, Billy Boy) vs Exoticos (Polvo de Estrellas, Sexy Francis, Sexy Piscis)
3) Luzbel, Alan Stone, ??? vs Chessman, Mr. Aguila, Hator
Maybe this time it’s Chris Stone?
4) El Zorro, Histeria, Antifaz vs Charly Manson, Psicosis, Zumbido
5) La Parka, Shocker, Octagon vs Cibernetico, Abismo Negro, Fuerza Guerrera

CMLL (FRI) 07/01 Arena Mexico Lineup [superlucha]
1) Neutron, StarMAN vs Super Comando & Artillero
2) Dark Angel & Amapola vs Lady Apache & Marcels
3) Gran Alternativa Tournament
– Atlantis & La Mascara
– Dr. Wagner Jr. & Misterioso II
– Ultimo Guerrero & Sangre Azteca
– Damian 666 & Apocalipsis
– Negro Casas & Maximo
– Lizmark Jr. & Texano Jr.
– Universo 2000 & Dr. X
– Pierroth & Nitro
4) LA Park, Elektro, Bronco vs Hector Garza, Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero

Oddly, on Friday, when some guy named Apocalipsis is debuting in Arena Mexico by teaming with Damien, a half hour earlier in Jalisco, some guy named Apocalipsis is wrestling in NGX, where Damien is tag champ. Weird.

Oddly (2), on Friday, when female wrestlers are wresting in Arena Mexico under the LLF banner, LLF has a show in Monterrey. They’re promising a surprise wrestler from the US in the main event; I hope it’s Nidia.

CMLL (SUN) 07/03 Arena Coliseo Lineup [superlucha]
1) Ultimo Dragoncito, Mini Olimpico, Bracito de Oro vs Mini Violencia, Sombria, Gitanito
2) Brazo de Plata Jr. & Explosivo vs Jeque & Guerrero del Futuro
3) Tony Rivera, Texano Jr., Maximo vs Arkangel, Veneno, Mogur
4) Lizmark Sr., Lizmark Jr., Safari vs Mephisto, Emilio Charles Jr., Taguchi
5) Ultimo Dragon, Heavy Metal, Bronco vs Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Averno

AAA (SUN) 07/03 Giminasio Lazaro Cardena, Salamanca GTO Lineup [superlucha]
1) Black Family (Ozz, Cuervo, Escoria) vs Exoticos (Polvo de Esterllas, Sexy Francis, Sexy Piscis)
2) Mascara Sagrada vs Mini Abismo Negro [MEX MINI]
3) Antifaz & Alberije (w/Cuije) vs Zumbido & Monshter (w/Chucky)
4) Zorro & Histeria vs Charly Manson & Psicosis
5) La Parka, Shocker, Octagon vs Abismo Negro, Chessman, & Fuerza Guerrera

IWRG (SUN) 07/03 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [superlucha]
1) tba
2) tba
3) Avisman, Galactik, Rey de Corazones vs Paramedico, Macho II, Gigolo Americano
4) Star Boy, Avisman, Kung Fu Jr. vs Oficiales (Polizon, Guardia, Xibalba)
5) Mascara Sagrada, Matrix, Fantasma Jr. vs Black Pentagon, Dr. Cerebro, Signo

Also on Sunday, AULL in Arena Lopez Mateos will be having a Tournament of Death, where the losers move on and the last loser loses his mask or hair. Participants are Pierroth Jr., Nick la Muerta, Sexy Boy, Terry 2000, Tigre Metalico, Sepulturero, Juan el Ranchero, and Pancho el Malo.

06/26 news

the big news (ovaciones): NJPW, CMLL and a unnamed United State promotion (you’d have to assume either ROH or TNA, and assume they’re not saying who to hint it might be WWE) are in talks to create a new multi-promotional super championship. Basically, it’s an attempt to recapture the prestige and status of the NWA World Title in a new belt (since presumably the old NWA Title would be off limits.)

Lots of little things aren’t touched on and the article doesn’t say the deal is done, but does give the annual NJPW January Tokyo Dome show (01/04/06 this year) as a date for either the finals of the tournament, or just the NJPW section.

I believe this is a NJPW concept which will ultimately have little long term to do with CMLL or ROH/TNA activities. They’ve pushed the concept of ‘becoming an international company [to rival WWE]’ as a huge goal for the last couple of years, and this sort of belt furthers the cause. CMLL doesn’t seem to have that desire (or one for belts), and whatever US promotion they team up probably won’t have the means. I suspect the new belt will supplant (or combine with) the IGWP Championship to become NJPW’s main crown, with CMLL getting a couple token dates and the US promotion just happy to brag that their guys were involved.

Cynicism aside, the initial tournament could be incredibly fun. The article says that each group will have mini-tournaments to decide the participants in the final title tournament, and each can do it their own way, so I’m thinking bonus cibernetico sometime this year.

CMLL (FRI) 06/24 Arena Mexico Results [superlucha]
1) Mini Pierroth & Fire vs Ultimo Dragoncito & Mini Olimpico
2) Safari, Virus, Misterioso II vs Nitro, Sangre Azteca, Dr. X
3) Dr. Wagner, Mistico, Ultimo Dragon b Averno, Mephisto, Mascara Magica
4) Rayo de Jalisco Jr, Dos Caras Jr, Hijo de Lizmark b Pierroth, Blue Demon, Hector Garza
5) LA Park, Bronco II, Elektro b GdI (Tarzan, Ultimo, Rey)
Every recap of this match, including the notes section on CMLL’s website, mentioned that Elektro looked bad. They were booing him before he started, and his performance – and Bronco, who also struggled – was not enough to turn the crowd. In the end, the tecnicos won, but the crowd was cheering for the rudos. This must’ve been the overwhelming impression of the show, because neither superplex nor Ovaciones reported much else about it. All reports had Bronco not fitting Black Tiger’s body type, so we have a mystery. O’Campo had a great line – if Bronco’s really a new star, why is he being put in the main event, and not part of the Gran Alternativa tournament?

Either CMLL has a lot of faith in Elektro, or they book next week’s show before this week’s happens, because they’re basically doing a rematch of this match next week. We’ll handle that and the other lineups on Monday.

Intocable had a steel plate attached his spine to release the pressure that was causing his paralysis on Tuesday. On Wednesday, he was able to take steps again, which sounds great. >Super Lucha’s cover includes a picture, presumably of the dropkick that injuried him.

This weekend’s lucha (TakemuraMetal @ LuchaWorld)

Taped: 1/4/05 – Arena Coliseo
Felino/La Mascara/Tigre Blanco II/Tigre Metalico/Virus vs. Averno/Dr. X/Maximo/Mephisto/Nitro (Cibernetico)
Taped: 1/7/05 – Arena Coliseo
Arkangel/Mr. Mexico/Sangre Azteca vs. Sagrado/Alan Stone/Volador Jr.
Brazo de Plata/Negro Casas/Super Parka vs. Black Tiger III/Damian el Terrible/Shigeo Okumura
Atlantis/Blue Panther/Mistico vs. Olimpico/Rey Bucanero/Tarzan Boy

The FMLL/ELL-Mex results below should have the correct names now.

Congress Results, 06/25

Doing this from my head (bad idea), because I left my notebook in my car and I’m not going back out to it tonight. Should be mostly accurate. Show was announced as a ELL-MEX/FMLL crosspromtion for alphabet fans, and taped for local airing, though they didn’t do an espically great job of explaining which channel (maybe I’m too gringo to get it? Maybe they’re still working on it?)

Show was listed with times of 6:30 and 7:00, and bell was 7:45.

1) El Reo b Atomico [2-0]
Atomico, normally a heel with a slight exotico bent, worked as a face. This might have been a ‘dark’ match.
2) El Reo & Yakuza b Amenaza del Siglo & El Tigre [2-1]
No angle to explain El Reo working twice. Mascara de Jade was listed on the lineup but never appeared; maybe he was supposed to be the face in the opener. The red ring finally broke during this match, but thankfully everyone survived and they were able to put it back together.
3) SWAT Kat & Acero Dorado b El Dorado and Principe Azteca [2-1]
I believe that’s the correct name.
4) Cobarde & Shamu Jr b Principe Franky & Piloto Suicida [2-1]
Dos Caras’s absence on the tecnico side not mentioned. Post match angle involved setting up a California/Chicago, though Suicida stuck with his partner
5) La Parka & Blue Demon Jr. b Blue Panther & Universo 2000
Didn’t hear a reason for Rayo’s abscene, but it was pretty clear early that we were getting Demon as a replacment.

Next Show: Announced for 07/23, with Rey Bucanero and Tarzan Boy as the announced headliners.

Neither have the energy nor the passion to do a full recap, so I’ll probably grab some notes I made, discuss the show over on CW.com, and throw something up here after the fact.

06/25 news

Later than I promised, I know. Sorry.

Only news in Ovaciones was partial Arena Mexico results. I’ll take care of them in the morning, but the Ovaciones themes was “tecnicos doing badly, getting booed”, and Elektro and Bronco’s debuts did not get over.

Lucha on Saturday was CMLL; matches from the Colsieo exclusive span. The afternoon airing started 5 minutes later and yet ended on the top of the hour, so I figure something must’ve been cut. The replay’s airing right not, and I’ll get you a lineup tommorow, but the matches are from the 01/04 and 01/07 tapings.