05/04 news

The story going about Bucanero is he hasn’t signed with anyone yet (if I’m reading this right.) Neither side is going to use him till he signs with them. Add these names to the list of people rumored to be thinking about leaving (and maybe just looking for better money): Volador Jr., Zumbido, Averno, and Mephisto. I may need to start a list of awesome people who aren’t rumored to jump.

CMLL (TUE) Arena Coliseo 05/03 Results
1) Fire & Sombria b Bracito de Oro & Fantasy
2) StarMAN, Ultimo Vamprio, Brazo de Plata Jr. b Koreano, Jeque, Reyes Veloz
3) Maximo, Alan Stone, Chris Stone b Veneno, Sangre Azteca, Arkangel
Said to be a good match
4) Zumbido, Sagrado, Safari b Emilio Charles, Hijo de Pierroth, Bestia Salvaje Sangre Azteca
(via google.translation)

[Besita] could not arrive at its commitment in the semifinal fight, reason why it was replaced by [Sangre], that little by little is demonstrating its quality and deserves a great opportunity.

5) Mascara Sagrada, Dos Caras Jr., Lizmark b Mascara 2000, Universo 2000, Black Tiger
First two falls were “dry”, but they picked it up with mask ripping in the third. Caras pinned Universo clean in the final fall, and called for a title match.

There were over 2000 people at Saturday’s Coliseo Kid’s Day show – and that’s just the people who were stuck outside wtihout a ticket.

Averno and Mephisto did retain the tag team titles in Puebla.

los dos Tigres (Metalico and Blanco) are getting over with fans and working well together, they hope to challenge for tag team titles soon. No, not Averno and Mephisto’s – Chris and Alan Stone’s. That’d be the Arena Coliseo Tag Team Championship, I believe. Have they defended those in the last three years?


There was a lot more news about IWRG yesterday – but I sadly didn’t get around to it. They did announce the IC Trios Tournament will take place two matches at a time each week, until they get to the final.

Heavy Metal will celebrate my birthday by getting a rematch for the IWRG Heavyweight Championship, versus champion Scorpio Jr. No word if they’re actually going to do something to prevent Veneno in.


Negro and Felino take the feud there, facing Halloween and Damian this Friday.