So I’m watching my 3rd

So I’m watching my 3rd CMLL TV episode (of 5) and it occurs to me that el Terrible is really Sean O’Haire, escaped from dark match pergatory. Really, the goatee, the tall built stature, the lack of good stuff in the ring, the overpush based on the first two and ignoring the last one, it’s gotta be. All he needs is a coat and a vignette where he can say “Infierno, no le estoy diciendo que cualquier cosa que usted no sabe ya”, and we’re all set.

The thing is, although he’s the guy who fit a strong rudo mode (Ricky looks 14, Loco Max is probably more of a comedy guy than they wanted, and I think Zumbido was only here to fued with Ricky), the purpose of having a third Guapo would seem to be have someone to set up Magica and Shocker by taking bumps and such. The young guy’s role is usually to make the older guy look better, and get in a few spots when they have time. Those aren’t Terrible’s skills.

Of course, I’ve only seen very little of him; maybe he’ll work out better than I thought? Just a hunch that they might have been better off committing to having Terrible go his own way, like they mentioned and pulled back from.