I thought I made a

I thought I made a post this morning but it apparenlty gotten gobbled up by the bloggerMonster.

Quick and even less wordy version
– Vamp/Shocker on 4/4 is a hair/hair match. Both are undefeated in hair matches (though obviously Shocker did lose a mask match)
– the finals of the Nuevo Guapos tournament have been decided, although a date and exact specifications are still unclear. At some point in time, two teams from Genetico, Tony Rivera, Terrible and Ricky Marvin will face off, with the winning team facing each other for the spot. I still think Marvin, but Terrible may be a better fit as a rudo.
– Giant Silva will NOT be at the big 4/4 show – getting into Mexico problems.

I don’t know why, but Universo in the sherbert colored outfit giving a thumbs up is killing me. Also, despite shooting from underneath, Black Tiger looks like a freaky midget in this shot.

The 3/21 Arena Mexico was

The 3/21 Arena Mexico was a rather busy one. The Pierroth/Gran Markus hair match finally happened…and Pierroth won. And Veneno showed up to challenge Pierroth to a hair match. Poor Veneno. Poor never dying angle.

In news you’re more likely to care about, Black Tiger, Universo 2000 and Dr. Wagner Jr. were indeed succesful in their challenge for Atlantis/Warrior/Niebla’s CMLL Trios titles and are your new champions. Post match, Warrior turned rudo on Niebla, stripping his partner of his mask, so they’re going some place with those two. CMLL.com compares this to Shocker’s turn on Niebla in ’99, which ended up leaving Shocker with out his mask and likes Niebla’s odds in repeating.

Vampiro/Shocker will happen on 4/4.

Misc Title News: Ayako Hamada succesfully defended her WWA Women’s Title over Marcela on the 23rd (at Arena Coliseo DF). Lots and lots of titles.

When Shocker turned rudo, a

When Shocker turned rudo, a lot of us wondered “What about Mascara Magica?” Well, he turned rudo to go along with Shocker, as they teamed with Dr. Wagner against Vampiro & Lizmark & Mr. Niebla on 3/14. Was he any better in the charisma department as a rudo? I hope so.

CMLL also recently debuted a character named Saddam, who’s aligned with Pierroth. Ah, CMLL, bastion of sensitivity. You can find a pic here.

Watched the rest of the Ultimo Dragon comeback special. The match with Bestia was clipped, but was as great as I remember. Bestia looked pretty much the same back then as he does now. Do lucha guys never age? There was also a Negro Casas match on there which I think was pretty recent. They clipped it all up, but Casas played rudo and what we saw was pretty fun. A fun tape to get me through these CMLL-less days.

The first strike against the

The first strike against the axis of evil is tonight: Negro Casas challenges Emilio Charles for the CMLL Middleweight Title at Arena López Mateos de Tlanepantla. It is a title Emilo’s had for no particular reason and those types of titles don’t seem to changed around much, but on the other hand it is Negro so you can’t ever count him out.

In somewhat related news, Felino will be putting up his CMLL Welterweight Title (please don’t ask what the difference is) against Juventued on 3/28 at Arena Mexico. CMLL.com news guy has hopes for this singles match living up to the high standards of two other recent big singles matches at Arena Mexico: Marvin/Zumbido and Shocker/Guerrero.

As mentioned earlier, Dr. X is your new Mexican Welterweight Champion and has already recieved challenges for it from Juvi, Genetico, Arkangel and even Felino. I’m just happy they still remember it a week later.

I did end up getting massive amounts of CMLL TV and Alfredo’sGdI comp so recaps of some sort will show up again. Eventually.

So I watched the Ultimo

So I watched the Ultimo Dragon/Dragon Kid vs. Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Buccanero match (from the GdI’s swing though Toryumon) last night. To no one’s surprise, it was a really good match.

To avoid confusion, in the next few paragraphs Dragon = Ultimo Dragon, Kid = Dragon Kid, Ultimo = Ultimo Guerrero, and Rey = Rey Buccanero.

It took me a moment to recognize Rey: he wore a bandana on his noggin to cover up his shaved head (although it did come off in the match) and didn’t wear his Ultimate Warrior makeup for whatever reason.

Basic thrust of the match was Dragon and Kid befuddling the Mexican duo with their speed until Rey and Ultimo take over with double teams, and things progress until you get your bazillion nearfalls. Dragon consistently going for the Dragon sleeper was a cool little subplot.

Best part was the Ultimo tossing the diminutive Kid around like no one’s business, including a monster chokeslam, a huge second rope powerbomb, and the win place and show best Ultimo Special ever (the inverted superplex, in which he actually held Kid up in the air for a half second in a scary and rewindable moment).

Humorous moment where everyone is brawling on the outside and Rey and Ultimo prepare to double suplex Dragon into the crowd and the spectators slowly realize “Oh crap, we’d better move” and everyone scrambles.

If I had any complaints, it’d be that Rey and Ultimo didn’t get to show off their cool double team moves (the double suplex may have been the extent of their arsenal). Perhaps the lack of a rudo beatdown segment precluded that? Maybe. And things did seem to get a little off track near the end, but still a very enjoyable match.

The match was part of an Ultimo Dragon comeback special, which also has matches where Dragon takes on Bestia Salvaje and Negro Casas. I think I’ve seen the former match on a comp. Dragon wasn’t even Dragon yet, just Yoshihiro Asai, and the match was probably the best Bestia match I’ve ever seen (it was also from 1990). Curious to see how the Casas match turns out.

It was Halloween and Damien…but

It was Halloween and Damien…but versus Jerry Lynn and David Young, not Nicho. I wonder if Nicho was scheduled anyway – Young seems like a fill-in guy on their roster. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad, but the match kinda was according to Dave.

More news:

– Atlantis, Black Warrior and Mr. Niebla defend the trios titles against Dr. Wagner, Black Tiger and Universo 2000 – I guess Blue Panther and Fuerza Guerrera aren’t around this time? Universo could be DOUBLE GOLD which is some sort of tragedy.
– Giant Silva returns on 4/4. Aw.
– Let me quote the translation here: “Due to hundreds of telephone calls”, el Terrible is back in the Guapo U. Good thing they’re planning this out in advance.

KrisZ says Dr. X beat Tigre Blanco, so we have a new Mexician Welterweight Champion. I’ve been meaning to put a page of titles that are defended in CMLL (and when the last time I can find that actually happening), but results archives get blown to pieces everytime I think about it.