CMLL Line - 12/01/02 (#62)

Thanks to: Robert Ortega for the original format, Krisz for the results archive, and Joe Gagne for the place to talk about it.

# Rudo, Rudo, Rudo (captain) vs Tecnico, Tecnico (captain), Tecnico
MM/DD/YY, Arena
F Type Time Finish Comment

Vignette: on this week's edition of Guapo Tough Enough (down to 9), the special guest is - a valet? After some explanation, we figure that everyone learns an important bit of being guapo this week - how to dance. One Arena Mexico-montage of learning how to dance badly (Zumbido 'accidentally' bumping into people in the process) they...still can't really dance. It's while they're dancing on the stage to Shocker's normal music that various CMLL undercard workers show up to point, laugh, and clap. I spot the Junior Infenrales seemingly leading this - Dr.X, Felino are there among others. Mostly masked guys. Anyway, words lead to almost shoves but we get no further. 

1 Loco Max vs Tony Rivera
11/12/01, Arena Mexico
mano y mano 7:12 DQ (Loco low blow uppertcut) decent but nothing special

Notes:  Loco Max is the short bald guy with the bald head. Tony Rivera, of course, is Ricky Marvin's less cool partner. He's got this big wool coat - like he's a sheep or something. Shocker addresses the crowd pre-match. I think the point is that he's going to go to the back and leave them to deal with this match. Circle to start. Lockup. Break. Loco is complaining about something. Circle. Look at the fans. Lockup - they battle for control and eventually Tony just pushes free. Lockup, Loco with a waistlock, Tony tries to get out with back elbow, but Loco goes for an inside cradle one Loco Max loses his grip and it just doesn't look right - Tony reverses into a cross armbreaker, then Loco tries that inside cradle one two back to the cross arm. Loco tries to get free and stand up, Tony headscissors him from the mat. One of the announcers is humming "New York, New York" to himself and I'm totally lost as towards any context. Tony's wearing cow pants, but the best part is that it say "TONNY" on the back. Loco charges, Tony catches him in Rock Bottom position but I guess Loco blocks? So Tony legsweeps him, Loco tries for a headscissors from the mat but it doesn't work -a couple armdrag reveals later he's got control. Director is giving us headshots of the guapos watching so we know their name - "Hi, Zumbido!". Loco did something truly evil, I'm sure, but we were looking at Caballeo and wondering if he's trying to look that much like Aguilla or if it's just a wacky coincidence. Back in the match, nothing much interesting - and I think we just got a big clip there. Loco ducks a non existent punch, that's pretty cool. Loco with a kinda scissors kick, open hand slap, open hands slap, yelling to the crowd will make this is blocked - yep. Tony with slap slap big slap. Headlock, off the ropes, look at a Guapo, this is hard to follow as it is. Tony just shoulderblocked Loco to the outside - he's getting a pep talk from some of the other rudo Guapos, and taking a long walk all the way out of the ring. He comes in - and he's kicked. Whip, reverse, armdrag. Dropkick misses. Tony off the ropes, back elbow. Off the ropes, holding the ropes and stopping. Waiting for him to get up and running into a kick - I don't think Tony was expecting it and only half sells it - Loco slaps him out. Loc getting speed - pescado hits Tony's feet! That's odd. Zumbido is over to check on him but the tecnico guapos are telling him to stay away - TONY TOPE. Loco Max end up halfway up the aisle and I don't know if he's going to make it back with all those guys standing over him and in his way. Hmm, looks like Zumbido might just be helping him up -he sure is helping him in but the ref missed it. Tony tries to charge Loco, but Loco catches him in a headlock on the apron, punches him down. Up to the top but Tony armdrags him off one two NO. Abdominal stretch by Tony - with leg pick! Into a cradle (no count till Tony lets go of Loco's head one two NO. Snap mare, running dropkick to the head. Loco is trying to get up but having some trouble. Open hand slap. Slap to the face by Tony. Hard slap. Loco is yelling back but not much wit the offense. Corner whip, reversed, Tony stops short, Loco blocks his slap, Tony with a headlock, Loco elbows than back suplex him. Senton one two NO. Loco getting himself psyched up - Tony in the opposite corner. Loc charges, hits a clothesline (I think). Loco backs up, waves towards the crowd - charge - no Tony with a corner sunset flip, Loco rolls though (well, actually Tony very obviously pushed him through for no apparently reason) and Loco hits the dropkick to the head. Loco yelling to the guapos on the floor, now going up - and Tony dropkicks him on the way down. Loco sees how much he can oversell it - ah, there's a low blow uppercut. Ref totally saw, and there's your DQ. (7:12) Zumbido is the first one to protest that decision but I don't think he's going to change his mind here. Tony rolls around the mat in pain. Replays are pretty clear on the point. Rudos raise Loco Max's arm up anyway. 

2 Marcela, Asumi Hyuga vs Amapola, Comando Bolshoi
11/15/01, Arena Mexico
1 tag rudos won - not shown Finish
2 3:27 Amapola CO
Asumi running knee to the back of the head Bolshoi
best women's tag match I've seen in CMLL! Also, a good match for being only two falls.
3 1:50
Asumi triple German Suplex Comando 
Amapola top rope superplex Asumi
Marcela double underhook powerbomb Amapola
T 7:45 tecnicos (2-1)

Notes: JIP, people I don't know, this is WONDERFUL. And quite tough to call. Oh yes, this is a women's tag team match - thanks to the wonderful Japanesse Womens Wrestling site so I can figure out

By process of elimination, I can tell you that's Marcela in purple who Comando quickly takes down. Stomping, and now a big hair beal. And again. Amapola also has a masked. Headlock, shot into the ropes, waved by and Marcela takes her down with a shoulderblock. Off the ropes, backdrop to the apron, Comando doesn't realize she's only on the apron and celebrates, Marcela waits for her to get done, now she charges - clothesline blocked, Marcela uses the arm to flip in, armdrag. Comando off the ropes, into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dive tease. Everyone tags - Asumi vs Amapola, Amapola coming in with a kick. Corner whip, rebound bulldog. Stomp. Whip, and Asumi gets in a spinning headscissors. Asumi has a really high pitched yell. Off the ropes, big DDT. Off the ropes, clothesline is blocked and grabbed - double underhook backbreaker by Asumi. She's obviously the better here. Corner whip, no reversed into a kick, kick, kick, corner whip, Amapola charge in but Asumi moves and Amapola hits the pole on the way to the floor. Asumi runs, but I think she's planning on holding up and posing on the ropes - it doesn't really matter as Comando kicks her in the head from the apron. At about the same time, Marcela is running - and she does dive, hitting Amapola with an apron dive Thesz press. Just like Negro Casas would do. Whip, reversed by Asumi into a full spin into a DDT. Running knee to the back of the head! Going up - taking time to yell first - off the rope hard knee to the back of the head to Bolshoi one two three. (3:27) I guess Amapola got counted out at some point there. All tied up. Replays.

Looks Amapola will start - she specifically wants Asumi. So Asumi comes in, and Comando attacks her form behind. Double team work - double whip, double dropkick to the knee, double dropkick to the back, double dropkick to the head. They're very proud and they should. Marcela tries to come as Asumi trolls out but it's not gonna work well for her. After a back elbow, she gets whipped into a drop toe hold onto the middle rope and Comando hits the, um, "Phone Number Unlisted" (you can say "her version of the 619") - except she tries to do it from to far away and it doesn't look right. Comando pulls Marcela up by the hair while Amapola goes up - Comando tries to hold Marcela in place by her hair, but Marcela pulls her into the path of Amapola's off the top rope ax-handle. That's a unique way to start the comeback. Asumi back into help, as Marcela dropkicks out Amapola. Marcela thinks about going out, but then seems to go back to her corner - meanwhile, Asumi whips Comando, Asumi quick reverses to a spinning headscissors into a Fujiwara armbar! That was quite neat. Marcela manages to come in time to break it up but her Asumi's arm is hurting. Comando off the ropes, and spins into a victory roll one two NO. Here's a replay of that neat way to get an armbar. Back in real time, Asumi hits a nice running knee on Commando. She picks her up - double underhook is blocked, Comando with a kick. They're both winded. Comando off the ropes and hits a forearm to the face. Refs check on Asumi as Commando celebrates. Comando charges Asumi gets up - but she's caught - German Suplex German Suplex German Suplex with bridge - one two THREE! (1:50) She celebrates - and gets kicked by Amapola. Slap is answered with a hard forearm. Asumi off the ropes but gets clothesline. Amapola's mask is somewhat Psicosis life, now that I think about it. Fireman's carry drop, and now she's going up - off the rope elbow drop misses! Asumi going up now - missile dropkick hits. Asumi yells and tells everyone she's going up - everyone including Amapola, who meets her there, punch, setting herself - off the top rope superplex one two THREE. (2:44) Amapola is the first person I've ever seen not hurt by giving a superplex. But then I haven't seen much. She celebrates while stomping Asumi out of the ring and that gives Marcela an opening - off the ropes, big dropkick. Off the ropes again, bodyscissors cradle kinda into - I don't know, but whatever hold it was, Amapola didn't want to give Marcela a chance to put it on, as she broke for the ropes quick. Amapola charges, clothesline caught - double underhook powerbomb one two three. (4:18) Of course the Mexican woman wins in Arena Mexico! Here are some replays. This was good. Replays.

Vignette: Welcome, Ultimo Dragon! We haven't had one of the "team eats at a restaurant, talks" bits in a while. Atlantis introduces Ultimo to Niebla, than gives him the low down on Ultimo and Rey. Dragon knows Mascara. Time to eat.

3 Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Mascara Y2K (c) vs Atlantis (c), Ultimo Dragon, Mr. Niebla
11/15/01, Arena Mexico
1 trios 2:20 Dragon crucifix arm scissors 
Nelbina on Guerrero
not as much focus on Dragon as you'd think in his return match - he wasn't really spotlighted in any particular way. Good run of the mill trios match - Mascara's presence didn't detract, actually.
2 2:47
Mascara top rope splash Niebla
Guerrero stretch muffler Dragon
3 1:49
Dragon small package Guerrero
Atlantis rollup Mascara
T 7:14 Tecnicos (2-1)

Notes: Rey's valet does the hand pump with him - they've been doing it lately and it looks nice. Mascara's hair has all grown back. Mr. Niebla gets last entrance? Odd. This is Ultimo's first match in North America in over 4 years - by coincidence, I did happen to recap the last one that aired

Atlantis will start - the rudos are too busy with the pre-match celebrating to start. Okay, it'll be Mascara, who's wearing that orange again. Circle. Lockup, crowd short. Ultimo and Ultimo in now - hmm, I don't think that'll work. Guerrero nails Dragon with a back elbow. Yell. Armbar, hammerlock, Dragon with the jumping snap to escape. Jumping armdrag. Off the ropes, backdrop but Ultimo lands on his feet - kick to back of the left knee, kick to the chest, knee, chest, and the spin kick to the chest! Nice to see that again. Guerrero rolls out, Dragon tag out - Atlantis and Mascara back in. Mascara of the ropes, around, over, under, clothesline. Chop. Whip, armdrag no reverse into an Atlantis one. Armdrag, armdrag, armdrag, armdrag, dropkick and Mascara is taken out of the ring - running TOPE but Atlantis catches his feet and doesn't make it really to Mascara - he's fortunate to land pretty safe, all considered. The other four are all in - Guerrero clotheslines Niebla in one corner, while Rey takes Dragon out. Double whip on Niebla, he kicks Rey away, charges, Rey monkey flips Niebla into to a tope on Guerrero! Nelbina hooked on Guerrero while Dragon is back in - spinning headscissors into a crucifix armbar! (2:20) Niebla doesn't really need to rub in like that. Tecnicos celebrate. Replays. Break

Guapos vote spot. 

Niebla and Guerrero start fall two - Guerrero again hits aback elbow to start. Chop, and a big right. Don't get into a striking battle with him! Corner whip, Guerrero charges into boots, Niebla charge into a monkey flip but lands on his feet (no one to tope into!) Guerrero off the ropes and takes an armdrag. Niebla charges him, slingshot armdrag. Guerrero recovers on the ground - Niebla pushes Rey off the apron to charge him. Rey's back in and mad now - slaps for everyone! Mascara joins him and it breaks down into a rudo advantage, with Guerrero recovering to join in. Dragon is kept in the ring and the rest are kept out- double boot takes him out. Atlantis brought in, and he gets a triple boot. Niebla in? He wants some room - they give him some, than close on him as Niebla enters the ring. Guerrero holds him spinebuster style for Mascara to chop. Guerrero with the catapult, and Mascara clotheslines Niebla back on to Guerrero's knees. Rey's on the top rope - corkscrew moonsault! Celebrate. Niebla is rolled out - Dragon back in. Double whip, triple boot. Double armbar, crowded over, lifting him up - double powerbomb. Mascara pulls him up so Rey and Guerrero can hit the double back elbows. Atlantis in - double clothesline is ducked, Atlantis tries to leapfrog over Rey but Rey catches him on the way over - that'd be a reverse face first powerbomb, I think. Atlantis was behind him when Rey delivered it, using Atlantis' own momentum. Triple catapult!  Are they done with him? NO, they hold him up on the apron for Rey to knock the the floor. Rey gets speed - Guerrero monkey flips him into a somersault plancha! Niebla tries to take advantage of Guerrero gawking at that move, but the charge - Exploder! Mascara with a top rope splash one two three. (2:47) Dragon back in - Guerrero with a whip, spinebuster, neck tap submission with legscissors! Dragon has no chance. (2:56) Rudos celebrate it being a tie.

Rudos still holding the ring as the third falls starts - Dragon and Mascara go out to get somebody, anybody, and manage to make it back with Atlantis. Of course, Atlantis sidesteps the first corner charges and it's all gone bad. Tecnicos turn it around - Dragon's kicks are still good, and he works over Ultimo well with chops, before seemingly waving the arm to get some life back into it. Quick back into the one one one - Mascara and Atlantis exchange chops. Mascara with a shoulderblock, off the ropes, Atlantis and him reverse rolls till Mascara needs up going up at out over the tope. Atlantis runs - but Rey catches him and throws him out! Rey is happy - Niebla is in there to fight with him. Chop battle is even, but Niebla dances. Rey off the ropes, under, into a monkey flip and he goes to the floor. Guerrero tries to take Niebla while we're looking at Rey on the floor, but it seems unsuccessful - Niebla off the ropes, coming to him with a handspring back elbow, but Guerrero  pushes him up and over the ropes and (with a lot of help from Guerrero and Rey on the floor), Niebla somewhat safely lands on Rey to complete the plancha. Back in the ring, Dragon tries a 'rana on Guerrrero one two reversed one two no. Dragon off the ropes, spinning headscissors into a small package one two three! (1:49) Atlantis with a cradle on Mascara one two three. (1:58) Replays

Repeat: For no particular reason, they replay Damien vs Satanico from #57 here, with the pre-match vignette.

Spectacular Moments - wacky submission time. Warrior TOPE. Lizmark nails Emilio with the superkick - right to the temple. Emilio's gonna wake up still thinkink he's a cave man. Look at HsN do a neat plancha. And Shocker beats Satanico last week with the Circuit Breaker - many times did he spin.

Vignette: Shocker doesn't seem to be happy with Loco Max's action. I think he tries to blame this on Tony Rivera. Of course Zumbido is taking his side. I think Shocker' s point might be "don't do it and get caught!" - well it should BE. Zumbido's gonna get in trouble if keeps mugging to the camera instead of paying attention to Shocker. Oh don't interrupt the phone plug, Zumbido. I think Zumbido rightly brings up the "so what's the deal with you two teaming with Vampiro and trying to win the CMLL Trios Titles - if you win, doesn't that leave us [and by us, I mean ME] out in the cold?" and I think Shocker has some good explanation about needed them more than just to be a trio AND also needed the Guapos to be, you know, Mexican. Which would seem opposed to Zumbido teaming with the Boricuas like he did, and that leads to another discussion. Zumbido points out his own muscles. I don't like your chances if you keep doing things like that, Zumbido. 

4 Dr. Wagner Jr. (c), Black Tiger, Apolo Dantes vs Vampiro (c), Shocker, Mascara Magica
#1 Contenders Tournament for the CMLL Trios Titles - FINAL
11/15/01, Arena Mexico
1 trios 2:09 Shocker/Magica double top rope splash Wagner fitting final to an overall above average tournament. Probably due to the normal non-existence of interference, this one instance didn't really detract. Need a little more to boost it into must see territory, but next week's match will have it's work cut out for it
2 2:04
triple powerbomb Magica
Tiger double second rope moonsault Vampiro
3 5:53
Wagner Driver on Shocker
Tiger DVD Magica
T 11:01 Rudos, 2-1

Notes: Magica and Shocker have Guapo U overalls and knit caps that anyone else would look totally ludicrous in. They only look, say, 25% ludicrous. No dancing. 

Both times take time getting ready at the start. Vampiro goes a long way to have words with Tiger. Crowd short. We come back in mid-corner whip by Wagner on Shocker. Shocker flips himself to the apron, forearm for Wagner. Going up - flying elbow hits Wagner one two Tiger breaks it up. Shocker off the ropes kick is caught and Wagner stretches the knee with the dragon screw leg whip. Wagner off the ropes, clothesline is blocked, Shocker with a back elbow, off the ropes, 'rana one two Apolo breaks it up.  Vampiro in - jumping kick for Apolo. Big boot as the others clear out. Another running big boot - a third! Sitout powerbomb and both Wagner and Tiger are into to break up the pin. Magica in but Tiger sidesteps his dropkick. Shocker back in - Shocker and Magica are whipped into each other but turn each other around for clothesline. Tecnicos work over rudos with open hand slaps - Shocker hits a thrust kick on Tiger, then whip him into a Magica spinebuster. Wagner misses a punch on Shocker, Shocker punches him a few times and spinebusters him. Shocker and Magica go up, opposite corners - double top rope splash! one two three (2:09) Apolo dived in but was too late - Shocker, Vampiro and Magica are one fall away from the title match. Replays, then a break.

Vampiro and Tiger start fall to - Tiger with a kick to the back of Vampiro's leg, and a nice superkick. Right. Headlock, shot into the ropes, under Vampiro's leapfrog and knocking him down with a shoulderblock - cover for zero. Shoulderblock, cover for zero. Vampiro ducks a clothesline and hits his spinning kick to the midsection. Vampiro drag Tiger by the lag and hand over to Magica - legdrop on the leg. Figure four! Apolo with a figure four sleeper on Magica! Shocker stomps at Apolo from the apron, so Wagner is over to knock Magica to the floor with a forearm. Shocker yells at him but Wagner is smart enough just to stay in the ring and prevent Shocker form getting back in. Shocker goes all the way around to get in - they have a stand off, but Wagner gets the best of him. That does allow Vampiro come in - he goes for Tiger's mask and Apolo has to break to go save for his partner, since Tiger is still stuck in the figure four. Tiger with right hands, while Wagner kicks Magica hard to force the break there. Wagner works Magica over with knees while Apolo kicks Vampiro  in the head a few times. Double whip for Magica, Apolo spinebusters him. Triple powerbomb - Tiger lets go of the pin too soon but they'll count it, I think (2:04) Vampiro in but quickly being worked over. Double corner whip, Apolo with a jumping knee, Wagner with a Clothesline, Tiger with an assisted high dropkick, and Vampiro stumbles into a double suplex from Wagner and Apolo. Apolo holds Vampiro in position - Tiger double second rope moonsault one two three. (2:44) Wow, we're down to the third and decisive fall, who would've guessed it. Replays.

Wow, I hope this card girl spends the money she's making her on some food. Rudos are in firm control of the situation, still with Shocker being the one currently stuck in the ring. Wagner and Tiger give him a double face first powerbomb, followed by Tiger hitting the 022. Wagner off the ropes, dropkick to the head. Tiger hits the slingshot somersault senton. Apolo back in  - Wagner holds Shocker so Apolo can missile dropkick him. Wagner rolls Shocker's carcass to the floor. Vampiro is back in, sizing up the situation. Magica thinks about helping but Wagner kicks him away. Apolo quickly gets a hold of Vampiro so Wagner can slap him away. Wagner off the ropes, clothesline no it hits Apolo. Apolo rolls out - then has words with Wagner. Wagner backs off to let Tiger try, and Tiger backs Vampiro into Wagner - Wagner holds him for a successful chop. Tiger slams him, and he's going up. He's taking his time - is he feeling tiger-y? Tiger hits a missile dropkick - I think Vampiro was moving out of the way but couldn't quite in time one two Magica breaks it up. Magica with slap for Tiger, whip, drop toe hold, Rings of Magica! Wagner calmly kicks Magic in the back and head to break it up. Tiger rolls out - as does Magica - Shocker is into face Wagner. Wagner shuts him up with a big open hands lap - Shocker answers' back. Wagner. Shocker knocks down Wagner with his blow. Tag to Vampiro - they have a slap battle too, but it's not as intense. Vampiro ducks a clothesline and hits thrust kick - quick to the top - no, not quick enough as Wagner is there to grab him - Vampiro pushes him off - off the top rope spin kick one two Apolo runs in and stomps it up. Shocker and Apolo have words - looks like their friendship is dead as they exchange slaps to the face, and Shocker gives him a one finger salute. Meanwhile, Wagner is clothesline Vampiro off the apron an d tot he floor - Magica and Shocker are quickly in to give Wagner a running boot/dropkick combo. Tiger and Apolo in as it's breaking down and the rudos corner clothesline both tecnicos. Shocker takes a corner whip, Apolo whipped in, Shocker moves out of the way and clotheslines Tiger. Shocker tries for another one on Apolo but he ducks it, full nelson hold for Tiger to hit, but Tiger is slow up - Tiger charges, Shocker ducks down and backdrops him to the floor! Shocker armdrag loose, dropkick takes Apolo to the floor. Shocker takes a look at Apolo, off the far rope and Tiger pulls him out. Full nelson hold - Apolo hit the tope as Tiger lets go and gets out of the way just in time. We look away from that carnage and Magica is nailing Tiger with a tope of his own! That leaves the captains - Wagner and Vampiro. It's the battle of the not-Michinoku Drivers! They charge, and Vampiro hits a kick to the midsection. Vampiro is pumped - Corner whip, reversed, Vampiro rebounds out into a powerslam. Wagner going up - fans aren't sure about this - off the rope top rope splash misses! VAMPIRO CROSSFACE! See, I told you, he's trying to be - hey, what's Rey Bucanero doing here? Vampiro would like to know the same thing, and lets go to take a look - Rey lures him up the ramp, but when Vampiro realizes nothing is going to happen and this is just another one of Rey's stall tactics (or a trap), he turns back to try and wins this match - and Rey rushes him with a forearm to the back. Back in the ring, it looks like Wagner has just planted Shocker with something. Rey and Vampiro brawl on the ramp - WAGNER DRIVER! One two three (5:53) Magica is in but unable to break it up in time (although maybe he should've been able to - better timing next time!) Back to the brawl - DVD ON MAGICA! Apolo top rope splash one two three. (6:08) Looks like Vampiro got the better of the brawl on the ramp but he lost the match (and might not yet know it) - here's Ultimo Guerrero out to help turn the tide and stomp the living crap out of Vampiro. Wow, this was a pretty good plan, as plans go - double suplex on the ramp! Ultimo and Rey celebrate on the ramp, then rush back to get more of Vampiro. Tiger, Wagner and Apolo seem ambivalent about the help they got. Rey stops to celebrate and again stops to beat up Vampiro a little more. 

Next Week: Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Black Warrior vs Apolo Dantes, Black Tiger and Dr. Wagner Jr. for the CMLL Trios Titles. Lizmark, Villano III, Universo 2K, Super Porky, Mascara Ano 2K and more.   

Rating: Bases on the quality of the finish, ring work, internal/external storyline, consistency and my whims. Also, various other (random) factors that I can't think of right now. 0-100 for matches.


5 Matches (38:21) about 36.5% of showtime (1:45); 

4 new matches (33:12), 31.6% of showtime
Average Match Rating 76.8
Overall Match Rating: approximately 84
2 Trios, 1 Tag, 1 Singles
3 Tecnico over Rudo wins, 1 Rudo over Tecnico wins
1 instances of interference (1 meaningful)
Match 4 (Rey Bucanero)
Show Assessment: Very good - all matches were good to very good

Closing Notes: 

1. Too bad this was a one night deal for Ultimo - if he could stay healthy, there's plenty of people I'd love to see him against
2. However, I got a feeling we're more likely to see another women's tag match before him in the ring again
3. Kinda had to figure that the rudos would win tecnico champions, but still, it was a good match
4. Loco and Tony were better than the first set of guys but not as good as Zumbido and Marvin, obviously
5. I've got lingering questions about the abilities all the of the champions - maybe they'll have a really good match to answer them?