I’m under the presumption that everyone who reads this site/my stuff reads the same group of sites of people I read/know (mostly associated with a dated if fun acroynm) so that linking to individual articles they do would be pointless since you’re already there. Like, even if I didn’t reference Justin a bunch (check your local OO ppv preview), you wouldn’t need me linking to his Heat recaps because the same group of people read both. Right?
I dunno. So maybe I should do more links.
Like, you’re criminally missing out if you’re not reading Scott’s Tuesday’s updates, because it combines the coherent parts of the Observer with intersting analysis and yet, isn’t Bryan Alaverz. Which is good.
(Aside: From reading the Figure Four, I get the feeling that Bryan’s Friend Vince does not realize they tape CMLL in the same two buildings every week. Perhaps he thinks every Arena in Mexico looks that way.)
Watch for me to write a perl program to steal his /baseball blog content too.
I also have to link Albert Ching, because when he’s not on the fast track to radio success, he’s writing good articles that he tells no one about.
Up at Loyola, they have a monuement to honor our NCAA Basketball Championship Team, and I can only imagine the statue they’re currently planning for Bill winning the Apprentice. If they don’t name a building after him. They’re slightly desperate for stuff to crow about, which may be the difference between there and ASU, who can rest on being ASU.
In stuff I don’t assume that you saw, Todd Gerth has a 1/2 part interview with ROH Booker Gabe about the upcoming Chicago Ridge show that I need to read, so I’m linking it here to I can later.
I feel booking the Havana Pitbulls is a blatant suck up to me, if I didn’t book them myself. Rocky Romero must’ve left a really good impression on me, because the longer I go without seeing him, the better he becomes in my head. It’s a dangerous thing.
Weekly Visitor is down again? I think you should sue fivefourthreetwoonecontacthost for haterizing. Did I ever tell you guys that the WWE seems thrilled with Slater Vain? Which may or may not be a good thing because they loved Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway at times.
Who’s got a worse lot, Conway or Dinsmore? Because even if the character sucks, they’ll push Eugene hard to make a point that they can do whatever they want. At worse, Dinsmore’s got a Doink-like gimmick that he can use and parody that indy promoters will be silly enough to pay for long after the WWE’s gotten over this bit, and at best, he’s got a Just Joe-ish qualitiy where lazy writers can use him as an explaination rather than thinking something up – you need someone to do something memorable nutty, you’ve got Eugene. His matches don’t even really matter.
Conway, on the other hand, is the non-French guy in the French tag team. Woo.
I mean, even if it sucks now, the best thing a WWE undercard guy can get is a recognizible image that they people will remember six months after they’re off TV and still care. Everyone’s going to remember the retard, no one’s going to remember the French sympathizer.
How did I get here? I dunno. I need to be doing stuff.
“Everyone’s going to remember the retard, no one’s going to remember the French sympathizer.”
Au contraire, mon frere.
You’re probably right, actually; I just wanted an excuse to say that.
Job Update: Absolutely nothing. But I’m going to a job fair next Thursday!
Wrestling Thoughts: I like Eugene. He’s hilarious.
Ya know, I’m cool with Justin and Scott but I hardly read either guy’s stuff except if they’re linked here because well, I have other interests other than wrestling that I’m just as (and sometimes, even more) concerned about, like hiphop and porn. Also, I play poker. Sorry, guys!
I can’t wait to get my fucking tapes. Also, I’m gonna recap something for this site someday. But that might be years from now. Bye!