Al Snow Cup Bracket

Once again, sponsors the Al Snow Cup, featuring people I see too much of, or nothing at all. As usual, I have no feel for the brackets unless I draw them out – so I did. Funaki— 9 |——— Scotty— | 25 |——— Haas—– | | 10 |——— | Danny—- | Moore—- 33 |——— … Continue reading “Al Snow Cup Bracket”

Once again, sponsors the Al Snow Cup, featuring people I see too much of, or nothing at all. As usual, I have no feel for the brackets unless I draw them out – so I did.

9      |---------
Scotty---          |
25     |---------
Haas-----          |         |
10     |---------          |
Danny----                    |
Moore----             33     |---------
11     |---------          |         |
Lethal---          |         |         |
|         |         |
Shane----             26     |---------          |
1      |---------          |                   |
Rotten---          |         |                   |
21     |---------                    |
Kingston-          |                             |
2      |---------                       37     |---------
Venis----                                        |         |
Doug-----                              |         |
13     |---------                    |         |
Kenzo----          |                   |         |
28     |---------          |         |
Smothers-          |         |         |         |
14     |---------          |         |         |
Abyss----                    |         |         |
Steel----             34     |---------          |
12     |---------          |                   |
Bradley--          |         |                   |
|         |                   |
Tomko----             27     |---------                    |
3      |---------          |                             |
Rinauro--          |         |                             |
22     |---------                              |
Davis----          |                                       |
4      |---------                                        |
Conway---                                                  |---------
Corino---                                        |
15     |---------                              |
Webb-----          |                             |
29     |---------                    |
Evans----          |         |                   |
16     |---------          |                   |
Collyer--                    |                   |
Nunzio---             35     |---------          |
17     |---------          |         |         |
Primetime          |         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
Rhyno----             30     |---------          |         |
5      |---------          |                   |         |
Rosey----          |         |                   |         |
23     |---------                    |         |
Jindrak--          |                             |         |
6      |---------                              |         |
Dean-----                                        |         |
Hurricane                                  38    |---------
7      |---------                              |
Hassan---          |                             |
24     |---------                    |     Third Place Game
Sweeney--          |         |                   |
8      |---------          |                   |  37 Loser-
Reigns---             31     |---------          |           |---------
|         |         |  38 Loser-
Catagnoli          |         |         |
18     |---------          |         |
Grenier--             36     |---------
Kazarian-                    |
19     |---------          |
Dupree---          |         |
32     |---------
Boz------          |
20     |---------

Looks a little bunched; may redraw later.