Next person, whoever, who regales me with another stupid tale about how when they were in college, they had to use these things called “punch cards” gets punched straight in the nose.
Every single person of a certian age tells the same story about the same punchcards and “technology sure has changed!” is about as a boring story as they come and then they forget they told me and tell me the whole stupid pointless story again and then forget and do it AGAIN and by then I’ve got to leave the room before a multiple homicide takes place.
“And if you’d leave a space in the wrong place, the program wouldn’t work!!!!!” Wow, I’m so unfamiliar with that concept. At all.
It’s a wonderous combination of being annoyed with PUNCHCARD stories – which peoble can’t contain themselves from telling you about if you work in the right jobs, like people constantly telling a cook about some chocolate chip cookies they made in 9th grade home ec – and those who tell me a story and completely forget about telling me it so they tell me it again next being a pet peeve. Lots and lots and lots of hate.
I have to show old people how to use copiers. Every day.
I had an old lady tell me I wouldn’t understand what was going on at the U.S. Senior Open (which she wasn’t buying tickets for) because I wasn’t a golfer. She then complained about me to my boss.
Cubsfan, do you have any good punchcard stories?
There was that time where Apu showed off the elborate punch card program for computerized tic-tac-toe he’d kept under the store counter for whatever reason, but Homer knocked the cards out of order and now it was a hopeless loss.
(That’s every punch card story ever. And the tic-tac-toe game I made was better)