A little bit to the left of my computer, my jailbroken iPod Touch is in the process of self-updating to the latest firmware version. I’m using the process detailed at ijailbreak.com, which is a lot nicer than doing the work yourself.
It doesn’t really count as a feature, but I’m particularly amused by the download not being shown by some download bar graphic, but unrefined gray text on a black console script session, with an updating percentage and a keyboard of no particular use. Anyone walking by will take one look at it and figure my iTouch as some double secret code overriding, data stealing device ripped from 24. It’s totally cutting age hacker-ish prop perfect, until it finishes the download.
This was a total failure, by the way. I don’t know if the jailbreak doesn’t actually work on Touches yet, but I sure wasted a lot of time getting it not to work.