Got a cold just after Christmas, turned into a bad cold by shoveling snow to the point of exhaustion that Friday, got to spend New Year’s Eve and Day and days around it laying in bed, did find out that I’m capable of updating the lucha blog even after I die if I have enough back logged recaps scheduled, didn’t feel any point to reposting the PS3 stuff here before (but will after this), still am kinda sick and snow’s on it’s way again, debated if there was any point to this blog anymore (or was ever a point), got a little less emo, blanked on the main page because these entries are still set on “in the last N days” instead of “the last N entries”, other stuff happened that I surely wouldn’t write about here but maybe if I had a secret facebook account I would there*, listed to Joe G on the most off the rails end of year show ever, balked at four hours of Justin talking Royal Rumbles, wrote posts that were hundreds of words too long and probably should’ve been blog entries anyway, took many naps and watched a Hawai’i Winter League baseball game (but only on TiVo.) Something something mexican wrestling something.
Too much internet things going on that cause me not to want to add “thinking about what you want to say before yo say, and then typing it such a manner that it closely matches what you were thinking off in the first place.” By the time I get done with the fives hours of recapping a week (plus makeups) plus reading and typing news stuff and plus doing all the crazy hidden stuff for the wiki or the luchadb that most no one notices but seems to impossibly important to me (and also the thing that pays me), I’m kinda sick of doing the typing on the internets (and a little bit of lucha) and writing words on this part of the website is something easy to skip.
Sometimes I think of truly annoying paragraphs that make me want to break my hands to save us all. Eh.
One anecdote about someone y’all don’t know, but only after the break because I’m iffy about writing it but at least it’ll get it out of my head
You know the (general) stuff Roger Clemens is accused of taking? I hope so, because I don’t want to write their names and deal with all the spambots that follow. Found out this past weekend that I know someone who’s using the same ones. He’s a friend of a friend but one I’ve known for a few years. He’s not really an athlete, though he’s got this idea he’s going to be playing semi-pro football this year. (He won’t, he quit last time because the coach was playing favorite, fundraising isn’t fun and he’s not one to stick it out.) He’s a mechanic, having got the job mostly through another friend, and having brought the bottles to work to show that friend, which is how the rest of us found out.
He didn’t look any different when I saw him at dinner, just before finding out what was up. (He didn’t tell me, second hand info later on.) He claims he’s working out at the gym everyday now, but that’s hard to believe with him (and if he is, you couldn’t tell.) He’s taking stuff he bought off the internet, self dosing himself while unlikely to have any real idea what he’s doing, and he’s doing it all to maybe move up the depth chart of a semi-pro team he’s not even on, or maybe impress a girl at a bar who he still won’t have the confidence to ask out. He’s got a kid, and a badly failed marriage where who gets to keep the kid is quickly going to be an issue, and these are the choices he’s making.
This story doesn’t really have a point or a moral, it just is.
I don’t remember if I heard about this before I heard all the music names that came out this week, who were named as Signature Pharamcy patients but not all the bodybuilder type. It’s been said many times that majority of people using aren’t professional athletes, if only because so few people are professional athletes anyway. The typical user is a guy trying to look for something extra in their workouts, but it’s one thing to read that and another to know that person. Maybe I live a different life than you, and you’re rolling your eyes at something that’s no big deal, but to know someone who fits the model is truly weird to me, mostly because it just makes no sense. If I was a professional athlete, I’d like to think I wouldn’t use and wouldn’t look kindly on those who would, but I could at least see the thought process that led them to trade ethics for a gain. I’d disagree, because the cost is worse than the gain, but I’d at least see the gain. People like this guy, two days a week workout guys who use despite that same gain not being there but the cost still being there – I can’t even begin to make sense of it, because I’m sure that equation makes no sense. But I know it’s gotta make sense, because i know someone who decided it made sense for them. I’m just baffled.
* – I don’t. Probably. This is just to intentionally confuse Hobbes.
Closer to SIX AND A HALF hours of me talking Royal Rumbles. Like, fuck. That is sadistic. We need to unionize.