
Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion (in stock) Yea, that’s for a company that was losing something like a $1mil a month in April, when it was just starting to take off (in terms of bandwidth cost – they’ve made deals since, but I’m sure they’ve never made one cent and have lost many of … Continue reading “YouRich”

Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion (in stock)

Yea, that’s for a company that was losing something like a $1mil a month in April, when it was just starting to take off (in terms of bandwidth cost – they’ve made deals since, but I’m sure they’ve never made one cent and have lost many of ’em.) The tech has been mimiced and improved by untold number of sites sense – Google’s paying that much just for the name value and current market share.

Net business is weird and these people are beyond rich, and I think the pirated footage will have to find a new home. But more, I wish I was these people!

It’s been pointed out by people far smarter than me that Google’s never actually made money on any of the things they’ve bought, except for the Google ads. I don’t know that’s going to change here.