barely coherent sentences on a white background

Better now? The page was completely gray because it’d designed to show any posts in the last 7 (or maybe 10) days everytime it rebuilds, and when it rebuilt after I deleted a spam comment, there happened to be no posts in the last seven days, so it displayed nothing. I shrugged, figured it’d save … Continue reading “barely coherent sentences on a white background”

Better now?

The page was completely gray because it’d designed to show any posts in the last 7 (or maybe 10) days everytime it rebuilds, and when it rebuilt after I deleted a spam comment, there happened to be no posts in the last seven days, so it displayed nothing. I shrugged, figured it’d save me from having to remove any more spam, and went on with my life figuring to update at some other point.

I didn’t update because

– I got badly sick on New Year’s Eve and the week after was tough and all I wanted was sleep
– I was (and am) writing a sickening amount of words per day for the CMLLBlog, and that and putting together the match database took up as much time as I was willing to commit to web projects (and there’s still more I badly need to do)
– I figured I ought to come back with a big post if I’m going to make you wait so long (just saying Heat and Velocity is up seemed kinda dumb)
– I couldn’t find the energy or enthusiasm to finish any post I started
– And I guess I really didn’t have anything I wanted to say all that much.

I’m sorry if this distressed anyone – I was pretty certain you knew I wasn’t in coma because I was still posting other places about as much as usual – but I really didn’t think it was much of a deal; I was writing just as much – probably a lot more! – than I did before, just in different boxes than where people were looking, I guess.

This part of the website’s purpose has always been to be an outlet for whatever thoughts were stuck in my head without a way out, and I guess I either didn’t have a lot of thoughts up there or I was getting them out different ways (lots of e-mails, so maybe.) It’s not something I actually have any plan for. I could use more plans.

There’s one other mental block – somewhere along the line (when I moved my typing to MT?), I decided that while I enjoyed reading other people’s blogs about their personal lives, I no longer wanted to be a person who posted personal stuff on the internet for anonymous people to read. I figured out I’m much better off if I’m discussing personal stuff people I personally know, and only talking about trivial stuff with people I have trivial relationships. Again, sorry if that disappoints.

The relevance is that there’s been a personal things going on which I’ve paid more attention to the last two months now, and while it’s stuff to talk about to the real analog people, it’s off limits to my pretend digital friends. Which cuts down on the stuff I’m interested in talking about, and so we end up with a long absence followed by a seemingly longer rambling posts.

Uh, other stuff: Since I got a pissy e-mail about it, I’ll let everyone know the WWE indexes (and the title histories I spawn from them) are on hiatus for a long long time. Basically, I love the match database I created for CMLL a million times more, and so while I’m eventually going to adapt it for WWE shows, I’m not done on the CMLL side and don’t know when I will be, and I’m not going to update something I’ve already decided is obsolete. Maybe I’ll get to it in a few months, maybe never again. The only people who care are people who want to rip off my work for their own websites (who can screw off), and the occasional kind person who goes out of their way to make it clear for me who was in this week’s Diva tag match (who are fantastic, but probably don

3 thoughts on “barely coherent sentences on a white background”

  1. So what do I win? A fabulous new car? A trip to an exotic locale? Seriously, not all of those referrals are me. The majority, but not all.

    X:Men Legends is fun, but you’re right in that it is really long between save points (I hate the enitre concept of “save points”, I’ll save when I want to, darn it) and the AI is roughly equivalent to a hyperactive ten-year-old. It does pretty well for itself for a little while, but then it gets bored and wanders off, usually taking all of the other three team members with it.


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