TPI Day 2

Sydal. Steak N’ Shake. Rain delay. Super Generico’s brainbuster End of year sale Start of evil Chris Hero bucket hat MISSED SKAYDE/QUACK!!! This was some day – I would go as far as to say Completely Fricking Insane. And now I read I didn’t miss a chance to mourn Heat and Velocity, because they’re kicking … Continue reading “TPI Day 2”

Steak N’ Shake.
Rain delay.
Super Generico’s brainbuster
End of year sale
Start of evil Chris Hero
bucket hat

This was some day – I would go as far as to say Completely Fricking Insane. And now I read I didn’t miss a chance to mourn Heat and Velocity, because they’re kicking around for a while longer. They can thank me for the idea later.

I assume you’re not waiting for me for the pure results – they gotta be elsewhere by now. I’ll try to pull it together for something actually coherent later today, but sleep now.

Well, sleep as soon as I can get Teenage Dirtbag out of my head.

3 thoughts on “TPI Day 2”

  1. Ultra Generic Puma Spiders
    Soul on a Pole
    Trik Davis’ ethnicity
    “Do all wrestlers just have a key to your room?”
    Cruising with TCF on the mean streets of Highland, IN

  2. Cubs Feezy.
    John Calvin always goes over.
    Should have been: “From Orange County, CA…Super Dragon, and his partner from Orange County, CA…Super Dragon, and their partner from Orange County, CA…Super Dragon, and their partner from Orange County, CA…Super Dragon,”
    I don’t want bananas near me.
    If you fuck up this match, so help me God, I’ll fucking kill you.

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