left over thoughts

Clearing the plate. I was writing NCAA stuff when I accidentally deleted it and now I have nothing to talk about but it’s now too late to start much now. The Angle video package on RAW was pretty good. Fixed the Cubs index to include all the posts. It’s a sign I have too much … Continue reading “left over thoughts”

Clearing the plate. I was writing NCAA stuff when I accidentally deleted it and now I have nothing to talk about but it’s now too late to start much now.

The Angle video package on RAW was pretty good.

Fixed the Cubs index to include all the posts. It’s a sign I have too much disposible income (fueled mostly by people paying me back for the NCAA tickets I bought) and it’d fix half of the nagging problems (which is what happened there) I’ve got around here.

On the other hand, it’s also $70 for a freaking posting script. Woo freaking woo. I think I should just see if I could hack into the things I need, but whenever it comes time to do something like that, I rather do something else.

The audio on my computer sucks lately. Lots of popping and cracking during songs. I have no idea what’s going on but it’s horribly annoying when I’m trying to listen to Phil’s Mom’s picks. It’s also one of those things (like my broken car CD player), since I use my iPod for most of my music listening, I forget about for months till it comes back to haunt me.

Getting a new laptop battery, so I’ll actually be able to use the computer more than eight feet from a plug. Just in time for spring, which should work out well. Assuming I’m not inside watching baseball.

The teaser on FMA was horrendous in it’s twist teasing: “We’ve cried some, laughed at a lot, even seen hell together – how could all my memories be fake?” Al better not MEAN that, or this show is about to cliff dive. I get bad vibes when people even hint ‘the last ten hours of TV you watched didn’t really happen and doesn’t really count’.

* – assuming I’m not one episode behind; TiVo has to do some gymastics to get everything I want done but I think the last time shift got me back in order on this and five days behind on GitS.

Should get something or other done this week. I have no idea what that means. So so self loathing.

Eh. Bored with this quick. Want to have an actual conversation, too late at night for it to happen. Sucks. Desperately in need of a late night hang out place. This may sound strange, but sometimes having a fake life doesn’t cut it.