Velocity 07/03

Up over there. I didn’t get into Kidman/London vs the Dudleyz as much as I thought I would from the positioning. I think I understand the logic behind the announce build, but they over play their hand and sabotage their own efforts a lot. I don’t suspect this as a SummerSlam feud, because (as I … Continue reading “Velocity 07/03”

Up over there.

I didn’t get into Kidman/London vs the Dudleyz as much as I thought I would from the positioning. I think I understand the logic behind the announce build, but they over play their hand and sabotage their own efforts a lot. I don’t suspect this as a SummerSlam feud, because (as I seem to be pounding in), it’s far too long to carry it to there.

No Heat recap tonight, but I’ve got tomorrow off so it should pop up before RAW. Hopefully much earlier than that.

Let me repost Justin’s comments from Seadawg’s and then give me a day to sleep on it and other things.

(moved to the extended entry because it occurred to me it is spoilers after all )

Summer “Wrestlemania 13” Slam according to Dave:
Undertaker vs. JBL for the title
Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

“There was disappointment in Eddie Guerrero as world champion. The decision was more ‘take the title off of Eddie Guerrero’ than ‘put the title on John Layfield.’ The idea was not it’s better for Eddie to chase, it was let’s make a change and do something else, and Vince feels a connection with the Layfield character.”
– Dave on WOL when Bruce Mitchell asks him if the logic behind the title change was it would be better for Eddie to be chasing the belt.

Justin recapping parts of

2 thoughts on “Velocity 07/03”

  1. I was miffed at the false advertising of Misterio too. Especially considering that last week when they had Holly vs. Jindrak II, the preview billed it as a “return match.” Maybe we’re expecting too much, wait, I KNOW we are.

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