watch this space

Heat is up. You missed nothing. The six man tag is something I was hyped up for, but never got to the pace I was looking for. I wonder if that’s a thing I’ve got to change my expectations for. They weren’t doing more than the usual WWE hot tag style, but they never got … Continue reading “watch this space”

Heat is up. You missed nothing. The six man tag is something I was hyped up for, but never got to the pace I was looking for. I wonder if that’s a thing I’ve got to change my expectations for. They weren’t doing more than the usual WWE hot tag style, but they never got up to a lot of action level after the hot tag, including teasing a train wreck bit without following through. There was nothing really wrong with it, there just wasn’t anything really great with it either.

Joe has a quick recap of ROH’s Pure Wrestling Title Tournament show over on

Edit #1.8: CMLL #113 (last week’s, the Tohoku Jr. #1 contenders tournament) is done. I had it mostly done earlier in this week, first draft style, and it had been sitting around on the hard drive waiting to be cleaned up.

Apparently I shouldn’t upload things at 2 AM. it’ll be up at 4:30 pm CST. Sorry.

I’ve got a start on Velocity (and #114 – two weeks ago), but since I feel more like sitting around and watching Space Ghost, I decided just to clean up for now.

Edit 2:Velocity is done. I think Shannon/Ultimo was better than the Heat match.

More CMLL tommorow? Maybe.

One thought on “watch this space”

  1. Testing to see if commenting works.

    The reason I didn’t do these in seperate posts is that I think 2 line posts look dumb in archives, which is also why I don’t normally just post to say “X is up” unless I’ve got other things to say with it.

    I think I need to lower the amount of days shown on the main page – I hope MT 3.0 includes an option to show by X entries instead of days, because that’s what I really want.

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